Who will do the actual work if Trump deports all the Black, Brown and Yellow people? Who will grow the food? Who will work as caregivers in the old folks home? Who will mow the lawns?

Trump is basing his whole campaign on hatred of immigrants... I have met a lot of immigrants and In general they are okay... I worked in Silicon Valley in 1975 and there were a lot of oriental people that did not speak English but they were great with computers... And the people that actually built the machines, the assemblers, were mostly Hispanic women... This was San Jose, California...  

Trump promises Kristallnacht - a day of Ultra Violence... Donald Trump's Call for 'Really Violent Day' Compared to 'The Purge' ( a movie) - Trump is a danger to the USA as long as he is alive...


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for "one really violent day" to crack down on shoplifting, drawing comparisons to The Purge and to Kristallnacht in 1930s Germany. 

The Purge is a film franchise in which one day every year all crimes are legal. Kristallnacht was a series of Nazi-orchestrated mob attacks against Jewish people and businesses in 1938.

Speaking at a Sunday rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, former President Trump said that police needed one violent day to restore order.

"What the hell is going on?" he said. " I have no idea... I live in a fantasy world where nothing is real... Just like the Beatles song."
Trump promises Kristallnacht - a day of Ultra Violence... Donald Trump's Call for 'Really Violent Day' Compared to 'The Purge'

Kristallnacht the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November pogrom(s) was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung (SA) and Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary forces along with some participation from the Hitler Youth and German civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities looked on without intervening.[4] The euphemistic name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues were smashed. The pretext for the attacks was the assassination, on 9 November 1938, of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath[5] by Herschel Grynszpan, a 17-year-old German-born Polish Jew living in Paris.

If you see a MAGA Moron with a gun in public, call the police... Let's make the insane behavior of gun nuts unpleasant FOR THEM...

Suppose you dial 911 and say... "There's a guy with a gun at the McDonald's on Main Street and he's threatening people..." I bet the police will come investigate & maybe LOCK 'EM UP!

and then on Facebook SE said: 
This is what’s left of my local Big Lots store. I will miss it so much.
This is what’s left of my local Big Lots store. I will miss it so much. So many of my favorite stores have vanished in recent years, usually with no warning. I’m sick of it. The population of Santa Clara Valley is constantly growing. If anything, we need MORE stores, not less. And we don’t need anymore Gucci or Prada or Louis Vuitton. We need more AFFORDABLE stores for those of us who struggle to afford the thousands of dollars we have to shell out every month on rent. Stop closing down our affordable stores!

And I replied: 
I miss Kmart... If you get in the car at my house and drive towards Eureka... The first place you come to is Kmart... And there's almost no reason to drive past Kmart... Just pull right in and get whatever I wanted... But it's gone... And on a side note... A lot of my friends went to Kresge College at UC Santa Cruz... Mr Kresge made so much money off of Kmart that he was able to donate a fortune to UC Santa Cruz... All that is history now...

And then I found this clapping song... Or a jump rope chant... 

“Miss Susie had a steamboat” Lyrics

Miss Susie had a steamboat,
The steamboat had a bell,
Miss Susie went to heaven,
The steamboat went to…

Hello Operator,
Please dial Number 9,
And if you disconnect me,
I’ll kick you from…

Behind the ‘frigerator,
There lay a piece of glass,
Miss Susie sat upon it,
And cut her little…

Ask me no more questions,
Tell me no more lies,
The boys are in the bathroom,
Pulling down their…

Flies are in the backyard,
The bees are in the park,
Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing
In the dark, dark dark 

and it goes on and on and on with double meanings...

Kind of like that song by Melanie: I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates and You've Got a Brand New Key... Pretty obviously about sex... 


and then I found this rant on Faceborg...

However, I find that the speech to text program on my computer is much better than typing or writing with a pen or pencil... My posts express my thoughts more clearly when I just say what I want to say...

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