If you see a MAGA Moron with a gun in public, call the police... Let's make the insane behavior of gun nuts unpleasant FOR THEM...

Suppose you dial 911 and say... "There's a guy with a gun at the McDonald's on Main Street and he's threatening people..." I bet the police will come investigate & maybe LOCK 'EM UP!

If you see a MAGA Moron with a gun in public, call the police and tell them that the guy is threatening people with a gun... Let's make the insane behavior of gun nuts unpleasant... 

Anti-trump meme

Joke meme - Greg House MD

Maga moron meme

Biden and Harris unveil measure to tackle gun violence amid Trump clash

Executive order aims to crack down on conversion devices and 3D guns as Harris and Trump spar on campaign trail... 

“To talk about reducing crime and violence in America, you need to talk about guns in America,” Biden said during a press conference in Washington on Thursday. “There’s so much more we have to do. I think it’s time to reinstate the assault weapons ban and high-capacity magazines.”
gun meme

We've just found out that our entire ground floor, which means my writing and music studio, the 1898 Hamburg Steinway upright Pat bought for me decades ago, the gigantic old English library file I've had for 45 years, guitars and banjos and other instruments, stage clothes, makeup, cars, washer and dryer, extra computers, and peripherals for all of that, were under 4 feet of water. My studio fold-out couch, bought specifically so musician friends could stay with us and still have private space, floated to the top of the coffee table, and my really great collection of out of print books about haiku are gone.
Our island as a whole was under 3 to 5 ft of water and it's completely devastated.
Fortunately our second floor, where we do almost all of our living, is so far as we can ascertain fine. My computers are backed up on external drives upstairs and my spare computer was in the shop, ironically enough they had no water. The bulk of my archives are already at Berea, including my song notebooks.
It could be a lot worse. We are safe, Gracie Mae is safe, our friends are safe.
However I'm not going to be very available over this next week as we try to coordinate helpers, contractors and clean up crews, who understandably are a little overwhelmed. So I'm going to try and set up all of my upcoming daily quotes with the comments closed. I just don't have time to moderate this page and deal with all the other stuff. I'll do my best to check out new applicants but once I open the page back up please keep an eye out for trolls.
Otherwise, just keep us in your thoughts please. We won't hesitate to ask for help if we need it. Right now the best thing you can do for us is just think good thoughts.

* Comments are closed because I don't have time to monitor right now.
Monday's hurricane update. We are so very lucky in so many ways. A neighbor who is also a contractor has taken on the task of clearing out, salvaging, drying, restoring, transferring, and whatever else is needed. I have my main computer with me and my 3rd favorite was in the shop getting a new hard drive, so yay for that. My 2nd-best took on condensation, as did some external hard drives, so all of that has gone to my local brilliant computer folks, who will assess and hope for the best. Instruments are at a shop with my old pal Hunter overseeing. He re-located from Nashville to St. Pete a few years ago and is the best set-up person I know. Handled my instruments for three decades, and I'm relieved to say the least.
I won't know about my piano until I speak with the Steinway people this week, but maybe... just maybe? a pre-1900 Hamburg Steinway has been through enough to shrug this off and get back on track.
Stage clothes, makeup, suitcases, winter clothes, most of the books and a lot of furniture are a total loss, as is our beloved garage "bait fridge" (probably dating from the 70's and the best fridge we've ever owned), washer and dryer, and... my cars.
Remember how proud I was of my Jeep when I bought it in '98? No, of course you don't - there was no Facebook then! Approaching 225,000 miles, with a new liner last year, and my favorite vehicle of all time. But since it worried Pat so much when I took it for long drives, I found a 2012 BMW convertible some dear friends were selling had a more than reasonable price. Under 38,000 miles, primo condition, and as Pat said, "It looks like you belong in it." (I don't know about that.)
Well. Gone. Both of them. 3-4 feet of water and they are definitely toast. I was so proud of my new used car and my almost-an-antique Jeep. It's a sad thing to see old friends go.
We keep thinking of things we forgot that are gone now, like Pat's Gallison jigsaw puzzles (dozens I'd gifted her at every holiday and birthday over the years, she was stockpiling "just in case"), and my old Ugg boots (back when they really were Ugg boots). My collection of out-of-print haiku books, including the entire R. H. Blyth set in originals. Stuff like that.
But there were bright spots, too. Chet Atkins and I both grew up playing the same kind of tortoise-colored thumbpicks, but they stopped making them decades ago. He found a treasure box of 100 and split them with me - they're all drying out. My Manny's flatpicks and the like, ditto. I'm hoping they can rescue the D'Addario floor stools, and they've already rescued a pottery menorah the woman who introduced Pat and me gave us our first Chanukah together.
In the meanwhile, I was so sad to read that Kris Kristofferson had died. He was always kind to me, and I'll try to find time to write up some memories for you all. Meanwhile, make sure to notice the new couch that was floated to the top of the red coffee table… soaked through…
Thanks for being there.
Anti GOP meme

Anti GOP meme

Anti GOP meme
Anti GOP meme

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Jill Stein Said:
Yesterday we sent an email with important information and we wanted to make sure you got a chance to read it. We are in the last month of the campaign and it has never been clearer that we need an alternative to the parties of war and Wall Street. As Israel continues its US-backed genocide and escalates the conflict in the region, both Harris and Trump are falling over each other trying to prove their loyalty to Netanyahu and AIPAC.

World War III seems inevitable. The climate crisis is worsening with devastating hurricanes, flooding, and fires. Environmental disasters like the Georgia chemical plant fire continue to happen without the regulatory agencies lifting a finger to prevent them. People can’t afford housing or healthcare. The cost of food and other basic necessities keeps rising while Democrats and Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage. Our politicians clearly have chosen to listen to their mega-donors at the risk of the destruction of the planet and while people suffer the consequences. —-Jill Stein

and I replied:
I got my sample ballot in the mail... And yes, Jill Stein is listed as a candidate for president...

I read this entire email and I disagree that World War III seems inevitable... I believe that those crazy people in the Middle East will keep on killing each other but the war won't happen globally...

Climate change does seem inevitable because very few people are actually doing anything to stop polluting the world... I look at my own family... They fly in jet airplanes just as much as they did 20 years ago... They drive in cars that burn gasoline and go from San Francisco to Seattle just for fun... And the only thing that prevents people from eating steak and hamburger is the high price... On the rare occasions that I leave the house I've noticed that the traffic is as bad as ever all these people just rushing around going going going...

It's true that there are a few electric cars... But not many... And they charge up on power stations that run on nuclear power, Natural Gas, coal, solar and hydroelectric...

And I see that Microsoft wants to restart the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant so they can buy all the electricity to power their artificial intelligence machines... I don't want artificial intelligence... And I don't want nuclear power... It's all insanity...

A rabbi was asked by one of his students “Why did God create atheists?” After a long pause, the rabbi finally responded with a soft but sincere voice. “God created atheists” he said, “to teach us the most important lesson of them all – the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his actions are based on his sense of morality. Look at the kindness he bestows on others simply because he feels it to be right. When someone reaches out to you for help. You should never say ‘I’ll pray that God will help you.’ Instead, for that moment, you should become an atheist – imagine there is no God who could help, and say ‘I will help you’.”
— Martin Buber, “Tales of the Hasidim”