Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

How to Escape to Canada. Here in the USA, It's Likely to Get REAL WEIRD REAL FAST... For safety, Vancouver looks excellent! Not so Damn Cold in the Winter...

Immigrate to Canada - Official Government Website!

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How to Escape to Canada. Here in the USA, It's Likely to Get REAL WEIRD REAL FAST...

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Moving to Canada from the USA...
In recent months, the number of Americans looking to make the move to Canada has skyrocketed. In response to this, we have created this step-by-step guide to moving to Canada from the US. Read on to learn more about your Canadian immigration options as a US citizen, and the best pathways to Canadian permanent residence.

Whenever I think of TwitterX I'm reminded of the Monty Python dead parrot sketch... The best ever! Sing along to the Lumberjack Song!

American History: The 2024 Presidential Election - What Really Happened - in case people from the future want to know...

In the beginning, Hillary lost to Trump and we had four years of insane disasters... 

Then Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden. Joe became president and Trump was banished to Mar-A-Loser, Florida. Then Trump lied about 1 million times and claimed that He Won! He really Won! He really really Won! He really really really really really really really really really WON! 

But in fact he lost... But in 2024 He Won! 

In the 2024 election, originally it was Joe Biden versus Donald Trump... But then at the debate, Joe Biden revealed the fact that he's senile... And unable to serve as president for another four years... So everyone in the Democratic Party talked to Old Joe and convinced him to drop out... And then... The people that run the Democratic Party decided that Kamalia Harris should run instead... 

She ran an enthusiastic and Powerful campaign with many celebrity endorsements and big rallies with a lot of cheering and TV shows... but she lost... A couple of reasons she lost is that Trump campaigned Promoting Racism and promised to deport a million black and brown people... GTFO! And the fact that inflation is horrible and everything is really expensive now... And somehow, magically, Trump will fix it... No details... Just slogans... And obviously he can't fix it... Because Exxon and people like Jeff Bezos and the Walton family set prices... And they aren't about to start listening to Donald Trump... So Trump's doomed to fail but that's okay because he's all about "Promises Made, Promises Broken!" 

The other thing that Trump campaigned on was his Magical Time Machine... It's going to take America back to the way it was in the 1950s... Before women's liberation, before civil rights, before hippies, before gay Pride... Back to a Time when there were good factory jobs and a man could earn enough money to provide food, shelter and a car on one salary and his wife didn't have to work...  So Trump's doomed to fail on that too. but that's okay because he's all about "Promises Made, Promises Broken!" 

and the most powerful part of his campaign was: Women should just do what they're told to do... Old white men know the answers to all of the questions... And women should just OBEY... That's the meaning of overturning Roe v Wade... Making abortion illegal... In the ideal Trump World: Women are baby factories...
And they stop complaining... Just STFU! 

And during the campaign he promised to do horrible things to people he hates... He promised to harm Black people, Brown people, Women, people in the news media, people in the Department of Justice, college students, college graduates... And anyone that lives in a state that voted against him... And that's me!

And Trump loves guns! He can't own a gun because he's a felon but he'll make sure that you can...

And so Trump will become president again on January 20th 2025. There will be an inauguration ceremony at the US Capitol... And there's a possibility of an Insurrection Riot... Millions of Patriots armed with bear spray squirting MAGA Morons... Plenty of opportunity for a sniper to end the election once and for all... REDRUM!

One thing to remember: Trump almost always fails to actually do what he promises... I predict that he gives away a huge tax cut for the rich... And focuses all the rest of his time and energy into making money for himself and his family... And all those other promises will just be ignored... 

The biopsy results have come back. The USA has cancer.

The first reaction to The Failed Trump Presidency was: the stock market went way up... I guess Wall Street's happy with four more years of insanity... 

History of the 2024 Presidential Election - What Really Happened?

And Now... Many of My FaceBorg Friends Express their Opinions about the election... Of course, the faceborg algorithm only displays content that I agree with (in general) - so there will be no posts written by MAGA Morons.

History of the 2024 Presidential Election - What Really Happened?

LL Said:
This is the weirdest thing but I feel like there is bad karma all around us, it's so thick in the air you can almost reach out and touch it. Does anyone else sense this, it's the creepiest feeling never, ever experienced this before. Not sure what to make of it

Twilight Zone - William Shatner this

I see Images with many many words below. They are Difficult for a computer to read... But not impossible... Could it be that people want to keep a low profile and don't want to express their opinion on social media Where a program could search billions of posts looking for "The Enemy Within" - What if the Failed Trump Administration rounds up everybody that is unhappy with Donald... Send them off to a secret prison... 

Image with words. Difficult for a computer to read...

Lady crying meme - Kamala I was doing so well.

SE said:
To say that I'm heartbroken this morning is an understatement. I honestly thought the American people would do better. How is it possible that so many people have forgotten what it was like when he was president before? How could so many have forgotten what it felt like to be in a constant state of chaos? Do they REALLY think he'll somehow be able to lower prices at the grocery store? And even if he can, do they really think it's worth giving up our democracy? I guess they do.
It's easy to forget that the USA is still a young country. We're not even 250 years old. I've seen some comments stating that it's a wonder our democracy lasted as long as it did. Maybe this was inevitable. Obviously a large part of our population doesn't LIKE democracy. A large part of our population wants an authoritarian government. Well, I hope they're happy. Those of us who prefer a democracy are grieving right now. The man staged a coup, for crying out loud. He plans to PARDON those people! And republicans claim to be for law and order??
Is it REALLY because of "woke-ism" that people voted for him? Is it really such a hardship to be respectful of people who are different than you? I just couldn't believe that could possibly be true, but the way I see the word "woke" thrown around on social media tells me that people really DO hate being respectful of those who are different. Because that's all "woke" is.
That's about all I can say right now. Be strong, America. We have to be strong. We have to be there for each other. Difficult times are ahead.

It's still difficult to comprehend the fact that more than half the country voted to end democracy. No matter how much we tried to send the message that democracy was at stake, they didn't care. Democracy won't end overnight. Trump won't go on TV and announce that democracy is dead. It's a gradual thing, and it's already happening. The fact that Jan 6 happened is proof that it's weakening, and the fact that Trump has been re-elected is proof that it's weakening even more. I think this is the hardest part to understand about the whole thing: the fact that so many people actually WANT to end democracy. I'm not sure what's being taught in schools nowadays since I don't have kids, but back when I was in school, we were taught that democracy is a GOOD thing. We were taught that the US system of government was the gold standard that was the envy of the entire world. We were taught that fascism was bad, dictatorships were bad because people don't have true freedom in a dictatorship. Maybe this is no longer being taught in school?? It just seems unbelievable to me that so many people would want a dictatorship instead of a democracy in the United States!
Also, it amazes me how quickly people seem to have forgotten what it was like during the 4 years that Trump was president. The main reason he got voted out in 2020 is because people were sick and tired of the chaos. We wanted a leader who would act NORMAL. But now, we're going right back to the chaos. It makes me sick to think of another 4 years of living like that.
I'm also extremely concerned about Ukraine. They are our ally, and they need our support! I'm afraid Trump is just going to hand them over to Putin. Having Trump for another 4 years is going to negatively impact the entire world. But people don't care. People KNEW these things and voted for him ANYWAY. It's going to take me a long time to wrap my head around that.

Accurate History 2024 election - What Really Happened?

- Grace Stanley, Deputy Editor of Passionfruit Said: 

It’s times like these that words fail, and I think it’s safe to say everyone at Passionfruit is trying to shake themselves out of a bit of a catatonic state right now. We’re all processing what this means for us, our families, our friends, our careers, our cities, states, and countries. It feels like a million shoes are about to drop.

It’s a dark week, and this is the time and place for grief, nihilism, pessimism, despair, fear, disgust, sadness, and fury. It’s a time to process your anger and disappointment for your fellow peers — like Adin Ross, Jake Paul, and the Nelk Brothers — and the billionaires who control our social media platforms — like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Jeff Bezos — who made this happen.

But for creators, now is not the time for complacency or performative politics. First off, it’s time to take care of our health and ensure we can sustain ourselves and our families during this time — financially, emotionally, and physically.

Secondly, it’s time to reevaluate the institutions and organizations we want to work with, the support networks we want to build, and the stories we want to tell as artists. For the advertisers, influencers, and tech workers in the audience, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate who you choose to do business with.

As for us at Passionfruit, as independent journalists, it’s our time to reexamine how we question and cover the online noise — be it the echo chambers and algorithms crafted by Trump’s biggest backers, the zealot influencers fanning QAnon conspiracies and pedaling misinformation, or the creative middle class that feels just as squeezed as the rest of the workers in this country — and hold power to account.

If there are questions you need answered or dark corners of the internet that need to be investigated, we will be here. Whether it’s changes in the tech industry, tax concerns, cultural issues, abuses of power, or regulations that impact your work as creators, we want to unpack it all and provide you with resources to help. The media ecosystem needs independent creators, writers, journalists, and artists to continue organizing and imagining a new future.

Time for a deep breath, y’all. *sigh* We’ll see you around.

- Grace Stanley, Deputy Editor

Accurate History 2024 election - What Really Happened?

I’m a realist. I don’t stick my head in the sand. I’m looking for honest feedback, not to have my ear tickled. I am a female, married to a female. (I know, gasp
) We don’t have the means to leave the country. We wonder if, at some point, we will be rounded up and taken to concentration camps. Do you think we’re making a mountain out of a molehill? Or, do you think it’s a possibility? I do better (mentally and emotionally) when I have a sense of what is likely to happen.

and I replied:
Don't worry... In fact you're pretty low on his enemies list... First he's got a Deport all the illegal aliens... And then accidentally Deport the legal aliens... And then arrest all the people that he hates that work for the government or the news media... And harassing gays is low priority... By the way, move to San Francisco... Or anywhere in California because our governor is going to fight for our rights...

EYE - Mountain - Sunset - Drawing

I went into my job yesterday. Everyone is very aware of where I stand. They knew I would not be happy. They all wanted to run to me first to see how affected I was. I basically just told them. I didn’t sleep great. I’m obviously not happy, but now I’m just hoping to be proven wrong. Because being right about this is not something I want. I would much rather have my country be ok than be able to say “ I told you so.”
The very first thing I did was remove my NO TRUMP sticker off my cash box. I just crumbled it up and threw it in the garbage, along with a lot of my hope.

American History: The 2024 Presidential Election - What Really Happened - in case people from the future want to know...

Oh, and oh again….. on today, I automatically assumed you were talking about the (s)Trump(et) victory. The thing is, you CAN fight a fascist…….always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes we’re gonna have to lose…. But a just society for all is worth the climb.
Oh, and oh again….. on today, I automatically assumed you were talking about the (s)Trump(et) victory. The thing is, you CAN fight a fascist…….always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes we’re gonna have to lose…. But a just society for all is worth the climb.

We tried to warn you meme project 2025

Breaking News ;
The number one search request currently on Google, is how to become a Canadian citizen.

Accurate History 2024 election - What Really Happened? - Many of My FaceBorg Friends Express their opinions on November 7th - a snapshot in time

We lost. We accept that.
But we won't storm the Capital of our great country. That's what makes us different.

Eating cats meme

Margo Stewart
99.9% of you are in the wrong tax bracket to be celebrating a win. You have elected an cruel and moronic authoritarian. His narcissism allows for no empathy, no regard for human, civil or constitutional rights. His criminal and irreverent character respects no history, no nation, no allies, no law, no nature, no woman, no other. He doesn't even respect himself. If he keeps even 1/3rd of his draconian policy promises, things will get very bad for millions of your friends and neighbors quickly. Do not expect any short or long-term advantages beyond the imagined or superficial. You have served your purpose. Transactional relationship complete. He doesn't need you anymore.

American History: The 2024 Presidential Election - What Really Happened

Today I wear black meme - 2024 presidential election

Ken Sosinsky

Women's rights are human rights!
These include the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage. Gender inequality underpins many problems which disproportionately affect women and girls, such as domestic and sexual violence, lower pay, lack of access to education, and inadequate healthcare.

It's a bad night for everyone - meme - 2024 election



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I feel free... No longer do I feel obligated to Campaign about Elections...

I spent this morning working on Zazzle creating gifts using one of my favorite photographs... A mushroom cloud on Eureka's North Jetty that is not an atomic bomb blast but just water vapor from the bioenergy Factory... On a day with no wind...

I read all of the Creator blog hints from Zazzle about new products, new tools, promotions and etc etc... And I find that they offer decorated wind chimes... Victoria really likes wind chimes... And so as soon as I earn $30 in royalty I'm going to buy her a wind chime with this view from our living room of the North Jetty... 

It's the end of the world as we know it...
It's the end of the world as we know it...

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