Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

TRUMP FAILED BADLY: Remember the Long Lines of Americans Begging for Free Food in 2020? NOW, People Have Jobs and We Can Buy Our Own Food. Thank You, Joe Biden!

Click HERE to Buy a Button!

These Photos Show the Staggering Food Bank Lines Across America.
Food banks across the United States are struggling amid droves of hungry Americans in need of a meal. And images from photographers around the country show the horrifying number of Americans lining up to receive food assistance.

Republican War on Women Voting:

Republican War on Women... Voting:

“That means that roughly 90 percent of married female voters have a different name on their ID than the one on their birth certificate. An estimated 34 percent of women could be turned away from the polls unless they have precisely the right documents.”

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!

Anti Republican meme... They are evil... Lock them up!


Trump requires food aid boxes to come with a letter from him.
The Agriculture Department last week began mandating that millions of boxes of surplus food for needy families include a letter from President Donald Trump claiming credit for the program.
The USDA’s $4 billion Farmers to Families Food Box Program has distributed more than 100 million boxes to those in need since May, with the aim of redirecting meat, dairy and produce that might normally go to restaurants and other food-service businesses. But organizations handing out the aid complain the program is now being used to bolster Trump’s image a month before a high-stakes election — and some even have refused to distribute them.
I asked an AI Text Generator to Write about this Post: I Said:
Trump Failed. Remember the Long Lines of Americans begging for free food in 2020?

and IT Said:
As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide you with some relevant information.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant economic downturn in the United States, resulting in high levels of unemployment and food insecurity. Many Americans lost their jobs and were struggling to make ends meet, resulting in long lines at food banks and other charitable organizations.

Some critics have argued that the Trump administration's response to the pandemic was inadequate, with insufficient aid and support provided to those in need. Others have praised the administration's efforts to mitigate the economic impacts of the pandemic, such as stimulus checks and loan programs for small businesses.

Regardless of one's opinion on the matter, it is clear that many Americans experienced financial hardship in 2020, and the pandemic's economic effects continue to be felt in the country today.

Pretty Damn Insightful!

Click Here to Shop for My Most Popular Buttons on Zazzle Gregvan -
This is what the people want!

Trump's Totally Fake TV Ad. WHY?
Because He Can't Run on "What a Great Job He Did Last Time."
Everyone Knows He was a Total Disaster!
Republicans Release a TOTALLY FAKE Advertisement using AI Generated Propaganda... Brainwashing at its Finest. They LEARNED from Project MKULTRA... and will Use MIND CONTROL to Motivate Hate!


MAGA Is Ripping Itself Apart...

The extremism, aggression, and lack of restraint in MAGA world is Failing... People are Sick of That CrazyTalk®

How to "Game" The FaceBorg AI System to Show Your Posts to People That Don't Already Agree With You... Simply Join Republican Groups... and Like Crazy QAnon Posts... The AI System Will Believe That You are a Brainwashed TrumpNik® and Show You More Right Wing Posts and Russian Propaganda! Then... Like and Share these Memes!

Did You Ever Read Trump's Book: The Art of the Failed Deal? Every Deal Lost Money...

Remember: It's a Great Source of Toilet Paper - CHEAP!

Here's a Clip from the Movie!

A Vote for Trump is a Vote for ECONOMIC DISASTER.

I've noticed a LOT of CHEVRON Greenwashing Advertisements on TV Recently... All About How wonderful They Are... Just Look at the Happy People DRIVING CARS! FUN! However, On the Corporate Headquarters there are NO SOLAR PANELS on the Roof... They Run Heaters and Air Conditioners USING FOSSIL FUEL... or maybe NUCLEAR POWER from Diablo Canyon...

We will know the Exact Location of the Rainbow Gathering on June 15th - or so... Watch for notices about SEED CAMP because That's Usually Really Close to the Actual Gathering... Somewhere in the California - July 1-7 Welcome Home!

Selfie - Gregory Vanderlaan The noise cancelling wireless headphones are EPIC... when the gardener is blowing with the gasoline powered leaf blower... I don't hear a thing! Here's a Larisa Stow Song/Guided Meditation.

I also enjoy singing songs and Playing the Guitar... This is My Latest Effort... a SATIRE of "LODI" By Creedence Clearwater Revival...

"Pravda, Stuck in Ukraine Again...
Just about a Year Ago, Vlad was Setting Out from Old Moscow...
Seeking to Bring Chernobyl, Back into the USSR... The War Got Bad, The War Got Worse...
The Russian People Got Screwed...
Pravda, Stuck in Ukraine Again...

If I Only Had a Ruble, For Every Soldier Dead...
for every time we bombed a school, while children studied math...
I could buy a Tractor and Start Me a Communal Farm...
But Vladimir is a Nutcase, He wants me to Go to the Front!
Pravda, Stuck in Ukraine Again...

The Man from CNN, Said we were Gonna Lose... Just Like in Afghanistan, We're Doomed to Very Bad News...
When the Babuskas Rise Up... It's time to Run Away!
Pravda, Stuck in Ukraine Again... "

Original Recording:

Chords and Lyrics:

People who lie, I just don't get it. Isn't it extremely embarrassing for others to know you are lying (and we do know)? Besides the fact I just see no sense in lying unless it is to protect someone from serious harm and even then it would be difficult for me, I would be so humiliated if I ever lied and someone knew I was lying. I am an extremely vague person because it would be rare someone would comprehend my life without misjudging and making wrong assumptions, but I won't lie. I just don't get how it's just nothing to some people to lie all the time and feel no embarrassment or shame.

Ford Pardoned Nxion meme

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The "facts" are that something like 80% of all of the stock traded on the NYSE is owned by a hand full of billionaires and corporations. So when we show the DJIA at record highs, and start bleating accolades of gratitude for Joe for having accomplished this stellar feat, all we are really doing is celebrating the increase in the wealth of the billionaire class.
Most Americans don't own stock. So the DJIA doesn't reflect their economic situation.
We should stop measuring economic success in terms of how well the billionaires are doing and instead, measure the standard of living of the average citizen. If we did that we would see that there is an inverse correlation between the DJIA and the US standard of living.

and I replied: 
and Labor Union Retirement funds play the stock market... SEIU - I retired from a Great UNION Job... as an Eligibility Worker at DHHS Humboldt County, CA

JB Said: 
A rising stock market indicator, like the DJIA DOES mean companies are doing good. What it doesn't mean is that employees, or their families, or citizens on average are also doing well. You see, that's the point.
That's something we need to understand in the US. If your boss gets richer, that's wonderful, as long as you share in that prosperity. In the US we have created an economic system where the boss gets richer mostly because of government policy designed to accomplish that outcome, such as tax cuts for the rich. But the average citizen sees no benefit for himself relating to those policies designed to benefit the wealthy.

Julia Butterfly Hill - newspaper article

Julia “Butterfly” Hill came down Luna, a redwood tree she lived in for two years on December 18, 1999. Photo by Shaun Walker.
Old duplicate copies of Times-Standard being made available to the public for FREE today at the Timber Heritage Association at their train yard in Samoa.


meme -gvan42

meme - a million Obamas Laughing at Trump - gvan42

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