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"Make America Hate Again" - It's ABSURD to Blame Immigrants for all our troubles....

The Federal Police force called ICE is stopping and questioning anyone who looks like an illegal alien. That means Latinos... Including people that were born in the USA. Including people who's Great Great Great Grandfathers were born in the USA. Since California was settled by Europeans from Spain in the 1769 and most of the cities were named for Saints in the Catholic Church it seems absurd to blame all our troubles on Latinos. San Jose, Santa Barbara, San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles are words from the Spanish Language. Viva Junipero Serra, the father of California.

The new bill designed to reduce the number of legal immigrants by half delights Trump supporters but is rejected by big business. Who will harvest the crops of California if we don't have Mexicans do the work? Corporations that hire Mexicans are GLAD to have them here. Hungry? Eat some grapes... Caesar Chaves will look down upon you from Heaven and smile.

The plan to build a Wall to protect us from "those people over there" has a mega failure history. Consider the Great Wall of China. It was built to keep people on one side safe from people on the other side yet... There are Chinese people on BOTH SIDES now.

Consider the Berlin Wall... It didn't work so good after all... Why not spend our time and money repairing our Infrastructure? Another "Promise Made, Promise Broken". When will Trump accomplish anything? Anything at all? HUH?

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