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Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses.

The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it... Trump is Right - We are Losing the War. We ought to simply surrender just like we did in Vietnam and Nicaragua. That would reduce US deaths from Heroin and Soldier Suicide.

As you can see from the UN Chart above our war has increased the crop yield: Up to the year 2000 the Russians were at war in Afghanistan. Then in 2001 the people of Afghanistan ruled their own country. Then the USA invaded and crop production increased. Most of that Opium eventually comes to America and kills people here.

Americans Use 80% of the World’s Opioid Supply

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