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Trump fails to deliver "Fire and Fury" after North Korea continues to threaten the USA.

I guess Guam doesn't really count as a threat... It's not a state... We won't be starting WW3 over a Territory...

Rex Tillerson, our secretary of State, says we all should sleep well and not worry... It's just Trump Talking Tough... No REAL action planned.

"Tillerson: Trump's Tough Talk Aims to Send Message to North Korea "

Why not use EMAIL if we want to send a message? or Pick up the phone? What if our Ambassador made arrangements for the two leaders to mud wrestle instead?

The stock market goes down due to Trump's "Goofball Antics" and Threat of Nuclear War. The adults that own America are not amused by puffed up Yadda Yadda Yadda...

"Trump promised 'fire and fury' for North Korea if it continued threats — hours later, it threatened strikes on Guam...  Hours after President Donald Trump said he'd respond to more North Korean threats on the US with "fire and fury" unlike the world had ever seen, North Korea responded Tuesday with a threat, saying it was considering a missile strike on Guam."

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