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Donald Trump: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. CAUGHT on tape. Verified by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The President of Mexico says he didn't call Trump at all last week. Trump claimed he called and congratulated Trump for the great job Trump was doing on illegal immigration.

The Head of the Boy Scouts says he didn't call Trump at all Last Week. Trump says the boy scout called to tell Trump that Trump gave the greatest speech ever at the jamboree.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders verified that Trump Lied.

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Last week, President Trump gave a highly partisan speech to the quadrennial Boy Scout Jamboree that a leader of the organization later ended up apologizing for. Not withing standing that apology, Trump maintains that his speech was “great” and that the Boy Scouts told him so:

President Trump said the head of the Boy Scouts called his recent address “the greatest speech that was ever made to them,” days before the chief scout executive apologized for the president’s remarks.
Trump faced criticism for the speech last Monday, which many saw as inappropriately political for the jamboree setting.
Trump denied to The Wall Street Journal that there was any “mixed” reaction to his speech, noting the standing ovations from the crowd. His comments to the Journal were first made public in a transcript of the interview Politico published Tuesday.
“And I got a call from the head of the Boy Scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful,” Trump said. “So there was — there was no mix.”

The Boy Scouts, however, are basically denying that any such call took place:

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