Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

A Womanned Mission to the Moon Is a Total Waste of Taxpayer Dollars. There is Nothing There! We Checked! This Entire Thing is Just Variation on the #MeToo Movement! I Wanna GO! I Wanna GO! Take #MeToo! #MeToo!

Nasa postpones plans to send humans to moon...
Artemis III mission to land four astronauts near lunar south pole will be delayed until 2026Ladies! The Sixties are OVER!
We Were all Excited About Putting a
Man on the Moon in the Sixties,
But We Won't be Having Another
Woodstock or Summer of Love...
Maybe another Stonewall Riot but...
Going to The Moon
Again and Again and Again
is an Obvious Waste.

I understand That the Fact That
100% of the People That walked
on the Moon were White Men...
Annoys Women and Minorities...

Well, 45 and 1/2 of the Presidents
in the United States were
White Men Too!

Get Over IT!

Here's How to Contact Your President:
Let's Motivate Congress To Cut
NASA Spending in Half!

Whalers on the Moon Futurama - a Womanned Mission to the Moon is BOGUS

On FaceBORG I Posted a MEME:

Going to the Moon is a Waste of Taxpayer Dollars. meme

and then FC Replied: Someday, there will be. And we will go further so that someday, when the sun goes nova, humans will still thrive.

and I Said: Instead of Spending $10 Billion Dollars to Help Jeff Bezos build his Rocket, Let's Fix some problems here on Earth with That Money... Like Paying for Child Care... of Feeding the Poor... or Teaching all those new immigrants how to Speak, Read and Write English... or... Buying Fire Fighting Helicopters BEFORE this Summer's Wildfires! Training People to Be Pilots, Training people to Be Mechanics... The Fires have Already Started!

and FC Replied: While we're doing all of that let us also work to lessen the divide between rich and poor. Tax them what has, not them what hasn't.

and That made me Say: Good Plan. Difficult to Actually Enforce since the First thing a Billionaire Buys is a Senator... or A Couple of Corrupt Congressmen... and those Politicians write Bizarre Tax Laws Designed to Allow Rich people to Not Pay Taxes...

RM Said: A moon base and orbiting lunar space station will be necessary to reduce the cost of future missions to Mars and beyond. Reaching escape velocity from Earth is too expensive.

and then I Said: The Entire reason we are planning to go to the moon again is... Someone NOTICED that the only people to Walk on the Moon were White Men... and THIS Time We're Gonna Have a Woman... a Person of Color... a GBLT+Q and a Native American! and SULU from Star Trek!

GE Said: There is a lot of waste of taxpayer dollars. The exploration is not one of them.

and I Replied: What's the Point of Going There? Is there a Goal? a Mission? Anything? Anything at All?

and GE Replied: I am sure there is an accompanying scientific mission. Geology? Minerals? Test for Mars?

and I Replied: We brought back moon rocks last time we went... there is nothing there... Really! We Checked! It's all just Corporate Welfare so Lockheed & Boeing can Squeeze More More More Money out of the Taxpayer.

JB Said: Right? It's not like we're gonna discover anything 🤣

and I Replied: Exactly! We already went there and There's Nothing Interesting. I went to the Smithsonian Institute and saw a Moon Rock... So What! Was my Impression and Moved on to the Diamonds and Opals in the Next Room... Let's Send a Robot to Look for Stuff... Just like we are doing on Mars. The Manned Mission is just Public Relations so we can Have Someone Walk on the Moon who is NOT a White Man. Oh! #MeToo, #MeToo We Wanna Go Too!

End of Message...

I awoke from a Dream about Strange Sculptures on the Streets of Hawthorne, CA... I dreamt that I was Using Google Earth to View them... So... I looked for the Sculptures in Google Image Search and Google Maps but only found a City near Los Angeles... That looks Like this... Just another Street in LA...
Street Scene in Hawthorn, CA - Looking at it from Above and Below at the Same time.
Looking at it from Above and Below 
at the Same Time...

I've been Ignoring TV News Recently... and The Google News Page on my Computer... It Always Seems the Same: People I Don't Know, Who Live Far Away are Behaving Crazy and Therefore their Lives SUCK! and the People Near Them Are Not Having any Fun Either! and I say: "Hey, DumbF*cks! Stop Shooting Yourself in the Foot! That's No Way to Learn Dancing!"

For Example: Vlad "The Impailer" Putin... He could be Riding a Horse with His Favorite Dog but NO... NO... He Had to Go Kill a Buncha People... and NOW he's not having any FUN... and It Looks like he's Gonna Lose his JOB and Have to Go Live in a Siberian Prison...

SEE? Behaving Crazy often Causes Unhappiness!

Guitar Piano Chart
Here's a drawing I made because I needed a chart like this... It lives in my Guitar Case so I Can Look at it if I'm playing in the Park... or at Grandma's House... print this! or print a Couple and Give 'em away!

Someone was asking about playing slide guitar in Standard Tuning... Realize that the B, G and D strings make a Chord... and You can slide it up and down the neck... and the High E string is NOT that Discordant... so... there you go... Just play those four strings and have FUN!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Speaking Of CODA the Movie... I was partying with some Gallaudet University students after the show in the Parking Lot of a Grateful Dead Concert at RFK Stadium... and I had a Spiral notebook in my car and we just wrote words with a pen... That was an Interesting Conversation, Totally Documented! I reread that years later... One thing I Learned was... They really liked Phil Lesh because you can hear the Bass Guitar using your Stomach... not Just you Ears! They all drifted to The Phil Zone... and the Other thing was... What if You just wanted to Take LSD at a Party? What the BAND was doing is Just one Facet of the Entire Experience...

CERN was pointless
and I Posted on FaceBORG: 
I'm Sure Glad They Didn't Build the Damn Thing In the USA... at Taxpayer's Expense... Really... Name Three Ways that Discovering the "God Particle" has Made Your Life Better... GO!

Circular Teacher Meme

gambling meme
and I Replied: We are having an election coming up here in California about Legalizing Online Gambling... and The American Indian Casino Owners are advertising a LOT on TV opposing the Legalization... They predict that with Internet Gambling, people will lose all their money and be unable to pay the rent... become homeless... VALID Concern... People ought to lose their money at a Tribal Casino... That;s the way to become Homeless!

​Image: Joe and Jean arriving in Honolulu. From The Hero's Journey.
​Image: Joe and Jean Campbell arriving in Honolulu. From The Hero's Journey.

"I have read somewhere of an old Chinese curse: 'May you be born in an interesting time!' This is a VERY interesting time: there are no models for ANYTHING that is going on. It is a period of free fall into the future, and each has to make his or her own way. The old models are not working; the new have not yet appeared. In fact, it is we who are even now shaping the new in the shaping of our interesting lives. And that is the whole sense (in mythological terms) of the present challenge: we are the ‘ancestors’ of an age to come, the unwitting generators of its supporting myths, the mythic models that will inspire its lives.”
-Joseph Campbell

Cal Poly Humboldt meme


a Painting Idea that Came to me in a Dream
a Painting Idea that Came to me in a Dream - gvan42
Someone of FaceBORG Suggested Building a Zoom Book Club and I Think it's a Great Idea!

Could We Build a ZOOM Book Club? Select a Book and Then Have a Zoom Meeting Where we Discuss... Maybe 6 People Maximum...

My Recommendation for the Book: 

"The Call of Cthulhu" by HP Lovecraft...

Cthulu Cartoon


"The Man in the High Castle" by Philip K Dick... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and then on FaceBORG: SE SAID: Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk about books with. I read SO MANY great books, and it would be so great to discuss them and analyze them with people. In a perfect world, maybe I'd start a book club. But it's not a perfect world, and my small, cramped, cluttered apartment would not be a good place to have people over to relax and talk about books. I try to discuss them online, but it would be so much more fun to discuss them in person over a coffee or glass of wine.

KH Said: Zoom book club!!! Drink wine/tea/coffee in your jams in your house and discuss books...

SP Replied: Here's what you do,keep the club to 5-8 folks, find a book for the month to read,then arrange with a coffee shop ( i know one) where you'll meet and share in coffee & pastries (baked in house) and talk about the book,plan on each member having a couple coffees or eats so it benefits the shop owner having a coffee table & chairs tied up and nobody drinking...(and i've seen that happen)

Then SE Said: I thought about that - doing it at a coffee shop or something like that. I'll think about it. There's also the whole issue of who would want to be in my book club? But I guess I could try to put the word out and see if anyone bites.

CB Said: I tried to join a local book club that was having zoom meetings during quarantine but they were reading like 95% things I couldn’t hold interest in so I gave up pretty quickly and have just been reading on my own and browsing the Childfree Bookworms group. I tried to talk to my husband just a few minutes ago about what I’m currently reading and his eyes glazed over. I totally hear you. It’s hard when you’re excited about your book but you don’t know any readers.

SE Replied: Yeah, I hesitate to join existing book clubs because I'm not sure I'd be interested in what they're reading. I'm a fanatical reader, but I only like certain types of books. That's why I'm thinking in terms of my OWN book club - so I can choose the books! But I do pretty much the same thing you do - try to find people online to discuss my books with. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.

I Said: Isn't there Something at the San Jose Public Library? Take the Light-Rail over... I had a wonderful time there in the 1990s when they offered free internet and I didn't own a Computer of my own.

SE Replied: I go to the San Jose library all the time to get books! I usually go to the Willow Glen, Cambrian Park, or Rose Garden branches.

and then I Said: I tried listening to "The Russians" on audio books... Got Bored with each book after about and Hour... "War and Peace", "The Brothers Karamazov", "The Idiot"... All those Writers were Fascinated by the Pre-Revolution Royalty... Huh?. "Everybody" is Supposed to read "The Russians" during their Undergraduate Years at College... I prefer Philip K Dick, HP Lovecraft and Dean Koontz... However, MODERN Russian Stories are Excellent... Try Martin Cruz Smith... "Gorky Park" and "Wolves Eat Dogs" it's EPIC...

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