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Will President Kamala Pardon Trump? Will She drop all charges if he agrees to concede defeat? No January 6th style riots, no cyber ninjas, no fake electors, no lawsuits and no recounts... Just STFU! and go away!

The whole world is laughing at Trump because he's a dumpster fire

The whole world is laughing at Trump 
because he's a dumpster fire...

If Kamala Harris wins the 2024 US presidential election, should she pardon Trump for his alleged federal crimes as a gesture of reconciliation?

Some guy on the internet said:
Harris has indicated that she wants to “move on” from the the divisive, lying, corrupt Trump administration and open a new chapter.

For me the ideal scenario is that the Jan 6th case, the documents case and the Georgia RICO case about the fake electors scheme to steal the election go ahead. People need to know what happened. People other than Trump need to be held accountable for any criminal actions they may have taken.

Personally I think if Trump is found guilty of 50 more federal crimes and lives long enough to see the trials through to sentencing, his actual incarceration isn’t as important as his proven guilt.

The documents case would be the quickest and easiest. He could get a jail sentence for that quite easily. At which point Harris could commute his sentence to a tag or home confinement. Then he can stand trial for the other two, which will probably take several years to conclude.

The important thing is that the January 6th scheme is publicly investigated so that lessons can be learned and laws can be put in place to prevent another attempt. And that those who sought to overturn the election through criminal means be exposed and removed from any position of authority now or in the future.

And then Joe Blow said:
In what way would Harris’s hypothetically pardoning Trump for “alleged crimes” be a “gesture of reconciliation”?

Are you aware that the president’s ability to pardon applies almost exclusively to people convicted or federal crimes? Especially since no one is convicted of “alleged crimes,” and Trump was convicted in state, and not federal, court?

Of course, Harris could take a page from Gerald Ford, and grant Trump “a full, free, and absolute pardon unto [Trump] for for all offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during his term in office.”

Keep in mind that “crimes against the United States” refers to federal crimes.

Also keep in mind that Ford and Nixon were of the same party, and if it weren’t for Nixon, Ford would have never even have come close to the presidency. 

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