Trump Caught Lying At Debate. No, Immigrants are Not Eating Pets in Springfield... That was a Simpsons episode... Not reality... But Trump can't tell the difference!

BBC: Trump repeats baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets... 
During ABC's presidential debate, Trump said: "In Springfield, they are eating the dogs. The people that came in, they are eating the cats. They’re eating – they are eating the pets of the people that live there." But city officials have told BBC Verify there have been “no credible reports" that this has actually happened.

Trump Caught Lying At Debate. No, Immigrants are Not Eating Pets in Springfield... That was a Simpsons episode... Not reality... But Trump can't tell the difference!

And then on Faceborg SE said:
It's hard for me to believe that ANYONE would still vote for Trump after his unhinged performance last night. People are killing babies! Immigrants are eating dogs and cats! Immigrants are getting sex change operations paid for by our taxes! You couldn't make this stuff up - he really said it! But the sad part is, his followers believe all of it. That's the scary part. If we're not careful, we could actually end up with a president who doesn't understand that killing babies is against the law in all 50 states. (Which the moderator was kind enough to point out, but does that ever stop him from saying it?) Kamala, on the other hand, sounded presidential, and she actually had real ideas and plans for the future. THAT'S what I want to hear during a debate. If I were undecided, I wouldn't be inspired by crazy ramblings about killing babies. I want to hear how the future president plans to lift up the middle class and how they plan to get the government out of our personal lives. But most of all, I want a president who has an actual PLAN to move the country FORWARD. A president who cares about the country and its citizens. I do NOT want a president who will only accept election results when those results are in his favor. I do NOT want a president who cozies up to foreign dictators. But most of all, I do NOT want a president who LIES. I don't see how anyone could possibly still vote for Trump after all the lies he told last night. We are better than that.

And then JB said:
Going into the debate, everyone on some level already knew that Trump is out of his mind. What Kamala Harris did was get Trump to confirm it in real time. For the rest of the debate, he couldn’t stop himself. He was already going to tell lie after lie after lie, but it was how he did it that killed him on the stage. He babbled, he sputtered, he couldn’t express a coherent thought.
All reactionALSO: 

Trump claims to be the anti-war president... in fact, the USA was at war with Afghanistan for his entire term. However...
during the 60s, Trump was an anti-war activist... In his own way... He refused to participate in the Vietnam War by finding a doctor that would give him a medical deferment claiming that he had bone spurs... A medical condition that often has no symptoms...

Many people protested against the Vietnam War in many different ways... Some sang protest songs, some marched in anti-war marches, some went to jail, some fled to Canada, some went to college and got a student deferment... Trump had his father bribe a doctor to get a medical deferment... 

What if a million other young men did the same thing? The US government would have a difficult time waging a pointless war in Southeast Asia if no one participated... 

Trump caught lying again. He claims to be the anti-war president... in fact, the USA was at war with Afghanistan for his entire term.

Other people volunteered to go to Vietnam... I'm not making this up! There was the guy named John McCain who volunteered and then he got captured by the Viet Cong and spent 6 years in the prison camp... Pretty bad idea to volunteer... Not fun at all!