Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Monkey Island San Francisco Zoo - Very Similar to the GOP House of Representatives... LUNATICS have Taken Over in Order to Complete the Destruction Started on January 6th...

The Republican Party FAILS AGAIN to Do Anything... NO Chance that they will Make America Great... All They Stand For is Destruction and Chaos... To Quote Marjorie Taylor Greene New Deal "Yadda Yadda Yadda, Wah HOO! We Are All Crazy!" 

They FAILED to Elect a Speaker of the House... and There is NO PLAN to Solve the Lunatic Problem... NOTHING! and Here we GO... a Thirteenth Failure Happened on January 6th!

GOP Failed 9 Times to Elect a Speaker of the House - 9 times SO FAR - meme - gvan42
The Reward for Behaving Crazy is... You Get Interviewed on TV NEWS! Last Night I Saw Lauren Boebert on Fox News and CNN... or Maybe it was MSNBC... All of a Sudden They Are Pointing the Camera At HER... and She LOVES the Camera... Just like that Democrat that Loved to Spoil Everything... Sinema... and Manchin... DO the CrazyTalk® and Get the Spotlight!

Monkey Island SF Zoo - New Deal Construction

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I just attempted to Contact my Representative in the US House but... magically... the website encountered an unexpected error... Somehow... it appears that Kevin Kiley Doesn't want to Hear from the People He Supposedly Represents! 

I Said: "Let's IMPEACH the SCOTUS. There are members of the Supreme Court That are OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT... You have the Power to start IMPEACHMENT Proceedings... Look at "Justice" Thomas... His Wife Attempted (AND FAILED) to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Trump King... and YET... "Justice" Thomas has never Recused Himself from Cases about INSURRECTIONISTS! If The GOP House EVER Starts DOING ANYTHING, I Recommend that You Take Action to Make America Great! IMPEACH THE SCOTUS! "

So I Posted My Thoughts on his FaceBorg Page... That One Works... 

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