Electing Trump is NOT a Way to Free Gaza...
Hey Kids! How About Waking the F*CK UP?
Try Reality! You Might Like It! DUH...
Remember: It was Joe Biden That Gave Israel $1 Billion
Dollars Worth of Weapons... NOT KAMALA!
Here's a MAP to the
The Israeli Embassy in Washington DC
'I respect your voices': Harris responds to pro-Palestinian protesters during rally – video...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and this is what I thought
BEFORE Biden Dropped Out.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Will the 2024 Chicago Democratic Convention Be a Replay of the 1968 Police Riot? Days of Rage...
Similarities: 1. CrazyWar® Far Away... 2. Student Protests on College Campuses Nationwide... 3. Weak Democratic Candidate...

Matt Hinton Photos
lets talk about all the demonstrations without discussing the issue, i do respect the free speech and right to assemble and do not doubt the sincerity of many of the participants but here's the thing will all this hullabaloo prevent even one bomb being dropped in gaza is the IDF high command going to change their strategy because a few thousand college kids object to their actions the answer is of course no the demonstrations will do nothing to change the situation in gaza there is also the possibility that some overzealous police officer will get frustrated and go all Kent state on the demonstrators. this is not 1968 when college age men were being conscripted and sent off to war in viet nam.
and I Replied:I believe the protests will make a difference... "They" said the protests in 1968 made no difference but... "they" were wrong... Sadly, The Protests today will help Trump get elected... Trump says: "See, Biden's no Good... Just Look at the College Campuses Today... Elect Me because I'd know how to keep those Kid In Class... Studying instead of Rioting!" Would he actually perform? No... but It's a great issue to Campaign On...
and we have Bernie Sanders on TV stating that "These Protests could be Biden's Vietnam"

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Political consultant worries 2024 Chicago Democratic National Convention may repeat 1968
Activist groups planning protests for the Democratic National Convention filing for an injunction Tuesday, on top of the lawsuit they've filed in federal court against the city's blocking of their protest plans.
Meanwhile, with tension building, some comparisons are already being made to Chicago's notoriously chaotic Democratic National Convention of 1968, which still haunts the Democratic Party 56 years later.
Democrats fear chaos of 1968 convention as they prepare to renominate Joe Biden in Chicago...
Flashbacks of bloody clashes between police and anti-Vietnam War demonstrators outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago during that chaotic summer are weighing heavily on the minds of Democrats as they prepare to return to the Windy City in August to formally nominate President Joe Biden for a second term.
Thousands of Americans angry over Biden’s staunch support of Israel in its war with Hamas are planning to protest outside the sports arena where he is to accept the nomination.

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Democrats descend on Chicago as specter of ‘68 convention looms
Protests over Israel-Gaza war expected as party nominates President Joe Biden...
Democrats from across the country are converging in Chicago this week to lay the groundwork for their upcoming convention, where they will nominate President Joe Biden and hope to avoid the kind of unrest that made this city notorious in the annals of political history.
Party leaders are quick to point out that they are unified at a time when the Republican National Convention has experienced upheaval...
As former President Donald Trump wrapped his nearly 75-minute speech on Friday night, he delivered a final pitch to the Christian conservative crowd, saying if they vote for him on Election Day, they would never be obligated to vote again.
"I don't care how, but you have to get out and vote," Trump said at Turning Point Action's Believers Summit in West Palm Beach. "Christians, get out and vote just this time."
"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed," Trump said.
The Worlds of David Darling
Kubrick spent $750,000, a large portion of his $6 million budget for 2001: A Space Odyssey, on the set for the artificial gravity scenes in the carousel. The set was a vertically-mounted 27 metric ton circular set 38 feet (12 m) in diameter and 10 feet (3.0 m) wide. The entire set could rotate around its axis at up to 3 miles per hour (4.8 km/h). The rim of the carousel would move slowly enough to allow the actors to walk around with it as if they were in a hamster wheel. This created the impression that the actors were walking up the walls of the set, while in fact, the actors remained at the bottom. The same technique was used for the Aries Moon shuttle scenes.
Clarke believed that the ability to transfer between zero-g and artificial gravity areas of a spaceship would be easily learnt by astronauts, and this is how Kubrick portrayed it in the film. However, expert opinion is that this would be somewhat more difficult to achieve, particularly due to the Coriolis force. Long-radius centrifuge experiments by the Naval Medical Research Laboratory starting in 1958 kept subjects in a 30-foot (9.1 m) diameter centrifuge complete with living quarters for up to three weeks. The experiments found that the subjects took three to four days to overcome motion sickness and balance issues.
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