Speaking from Personal Experience... I am an Old White Man Just Like Trump BUT I Retired Years Ago... I Live in an "Old Folks" Home and I Let The Care Givers Do All the Work... If Trump Was Smart... He Would Retire and Spend More time At The Beach... Having FUN... Relaxing... It's a Great Way of Life!
BUT NO... He Has to Run for President... But He's Too Tired to Leave the House... Going ON TOUR is Something Young People Do... Not Old Folks Like US... WE NEED OUR NAPS!
LINK to Zazzle Gregvan StoreAll My Profits Donated to The Harris Campaign.
Please Share these FREE Memes Worldwide!

Author of Project 2025 & Trump on Plane
I think Trump’s a fraud. I don’t think he actually cares about folks. I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.
I’m not the one who said this. That was his running mate — JD Vance.
Yes, Trump and Republicans are Weird, but You Know What's even Weirder?
Weirdo Blacks, Hispanics, Women, LGBTS and Minorities Who Vote for Republicans even though Trump and Republicans Aim to Legislatively Harm Those Demographics Specifically.
Yes, That's Right and Who Can Argue? Just Read Project 2025.
Remembering Back In 2016, They Knew then that Trump was Bad News.
They Also Should Have Suspected that Trump Would Most Likely Prove to Be An Extremely Destructive and Dangerous Failed President, but Voted for Him Anyway, Out of Spite for a Woman no Doubt?
Acting as If They Didn't Know Who and What Trump Was, with Naive Talking Points about Giving Trump a Chance and Hearing Him Out.
What Utter Nonsense and Political Gambling Against the Odds of Trump Going South.
The Consequences for Electing Trump the First Time were Grave, so What Are Their Excuses for such Absurd Reasoning This Time?
Maybe, in Their Poorly Thought Out Decision Making about Trump and Republicans they Figure...
* Somehow Not Enough Migrant Children were Separated from their Families with No System in Place for Reuniting Them?
* Could it Be Not Enough Hispanic Trump Supporters along with Their Relatives were Deported?
* Maybe Not Enough of Women's Rights or Our Civil Rights Were Taken Away Last Time?
* Or Perhaps Not Enough Wildlife Species were Included in Trump Opening Season on America's Wolves, Bears and Wild Horses for Meat to Be Sold Over Seas?
* Maybe Ending the Nixon Era Endangered Species Act Wasn't Enough?
* Wasn't Crippling the EPA and Ending Many Environmental Regulations Not Enough?
* Could it Be that Fueling Division in America Causing the Majority Trumpers to Dislike or Hate Their Own Fellow Americans wasn't enough?
* Wasn't Foolishly Pulling America Out of Beneficial Trade Deals like NAFTA and Starting a Trade War that Arguably Lead to Run Away Inflation Today enough?
* What about Having Demonstratively Attempted to Cover Up The Corona Virus, likely to Save Face and by Default Allowed an Epidemic to Become a Pandemic through Undeniable Denials, Dereliction of Duty and Inaction as President?
* Maybe Trump Reportedly Ignoring Russian Bounties on Our Service Men and Women, Taking Putin's Lies Over Our Intelligence Official's Truths and While Later Having been quoted to Have Called them "Suckers and Losers?"
Guessing Here that Wasn't Enough Either?
* Didn't Trump Encouraging Officers to Be Rough with Suspects Being Arrested Enough?
* Perhaps His Fued with Pope Francis wasn't Enough?
* Maybe Watching the President of the Greatest Nation Literally Kissing Up to Our Weaker Enemies like Putin of Russia and Turning Against Our Bedrock Alliances with NATO and Allies like Ukraine wasn't Bad Enough?
This List Could Go Further, but Whatever the Case May Be with Those Sell Out Black, Hispanic, Women, Minority or even LGBT Trumpers Is... Thank Goodness We Outnumber Those Political Trouble Makers.
We Simply Need to Follow Through with Our Blue Votes to Make History, While Staying Mindful of the Electoral College and Swing State Votes.
Yes, Republicans Can't Win the Popular Vote, so We Need to Be Aware of Any Funny Business with the Electoral College Votes, now Let's Get This Election Show on the Road Voting Blue Up and Down The Ballot.
Democratic Voices for President Kamala Harris 2024 !!
Seems Trump may have been involved with a $10 million quid pro quo bribery scheme with Egypt?
WaPo reported that there is reason to believe that when Trump’s 2016 campaign was running low on funds, Trump accepted a $10 million injection of cash from Egypt’s authoritarian leader Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. It is against the law to accept direct or indirect financial support from foreign nationals or foreign governments for a political campaign in the U.S..
In early 2017, CIA officials told Justice Dept officials that a confidential informant had told them of such a cash exchange, and those officials handed the matter off to Robert Mueller, the special counsel who was already looking at the links between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian operatives. FBI agents noted that on September 16, Trump had met with Sisi when the Egyptian leader was at the U.N. General Assembly in NYC.
After the meeting, Trump broke with U.S. policy to praise Sisi, calling him a “fantastic guy.”
Trump’s campaign had been dogged with a lack of funds, and his advisers had begged him to put some of his own money into it. He refused until Oct 28, when he loaned the campaign $10 million.
An FBI investigation took yrs to get records..in 2019 the FBI learned of a key withdrawal from an Egypt bank. In Jan 2017, five days before Trump took office, an organization linked to Egypt’s intelligence service asked a manager at a branch of the state-run National Bank of Egypt to “kindly withdraw” $9,998,000 in U.S. currency. The bundles of $100 bills filled two bags and weighed more than 200 pounds.
Once in office, Trump embraced Sisi and, in a reversal of U.S. policy, invited him to be one of his first guests at the White House. “I just want to let everybody know, in case there was any doubt, that we are very much behind President al-Sissi,” Trump said.
Mueller had gotten that far in pursuit of the connection between Trump and Sisi when he was winding down his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. He handed the Egypt investigation off to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D C., where it appears then– A.G. William Barr killed it.
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