Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Music Video: Everybody's Laughing At Trump... "PUBLIC MELTDOWN" Shows Undeniable Brain Damage... Attacking Obama, Clinton and Biden??? They are NOT RUNNING FOR OFFICE... WAKE UP DONALD... NOTICE REALITY!

 Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Chords and Lyrics: E, A, B7 Everybody's Laughing at tRUMP, He's a Dumpster Fire... Everybody's Laughing at tRUMP, He's a Dumpster Fire... But We're Crying on the Inside... 'Cause He is a Fuggin Liar! Patriots Rioted, So He Hid in a Bunker... Melanija, Barron and tRUMP went and "Inspected" the Bunker... Then the Police Tear Gassed Protesters... So He Could Walk Across the Park to Do A Photo OP with a Bible! and that Didn't Work out too good... did it baby TrumpNiks? Promises Made, Promises Broken! Promises Made, Promises Broken! Promises Made, Promises Broken! Promises Made, Promises Broken! GET OUT of the White House, The People Have Spoken! 115,827 Americans Have Died from Coronavirus, SO FAR... and More are Coming! With No End In Sight! It's all a Democratic Hoax...
One Day, Like a Miracle, It will disappear... Magic Thinking Will Save Us! In Our Fantasy World... Jesus will beam us up Just Like Star Trek in the Rapture! Massive Unemployment, Business Bankruptcies, Economic Disaster! Massive Unemployment, Bankruptcies, tRUMP's an Economic Disaster! When The Stock Market Crashed,
We Found Out You Can't Eat Slogans... But Just to Be Fair... tRUMP HAS DRAINED THE SWAMP! Look at all the Lunatics He Has Locked UP! Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty --- Thank You 'resident tRUMP! The EPA Says "RoundUP" is Safe... The EPA Says "RoundUP" is Safe... It's a Part of this Complete Breakfast, You Gotta Get Your Daily Dose of Glyphosate! tRUMP Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... tRUMP Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... No Need for a Background Check to Reveal That You Get Paid Social Security Disability Due To Insanity... Let's Repeal and Replace tRUMP's Tax Cut for the Rich... Let's Repeal and Replace tRUMP's Tax Cut for the Rich... It's Bankrupting America... Will Fred Trump Rush in With Suitcases Filled with Hundred Dollar Bills to Save Us Like He Did in The Atlantic City? Repeat first verse...

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

Vote for Kamala... Trump is EVIL and CRAZY

All My Profits Donated to The Harris Campaign.

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