Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump Email Hacked! "The Boss Wants to Know about Extradition Treaties..."

"My Near Death Experience Has Made Me Reconsider What I’m Doing With My Life… and... Just Being President Again is Not Quite Important Enough… SO… You Guys Have Fun… I’m Outta here! Just Try to Extradite Me From Argentina!
----->I Want to Be King of the World!<-----  

and... NO MORE FREAKING ELECTIONS! When my Time Comes, Ivanka Will Become Queen... 

[I'm Sorry - This DID NOT Actually Happen!]

Trump: old and Senile

Trump Train Prison Bound meme

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(NBC Montana) In a surprising turn of events, Trump’s plane had to make an emergency landing in Billings, Montana, on Saturday. Initially claiming it was due to mechanical issues, it was later revealed that Trump’s plane couldn’t land at Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport because of unpaid bills totaling $12,000 from the 2020 election cycle. Additionally, Trump still owes the Billings police department $58,830.

Around the country, reports claim his campaign rarely pays invoices to local government for the increased police presence, security and other costs that come with hosting the event. Some places in Montana are still expecting payment.

Back in 2018, Trump visited Montana four times, holding rallies in Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls and Missoula.

This incident sheds light on the financial troubles that he is facing, despite his claims of wealth and success. It also raises questions about his credibility and integrity, as failing to pay bills and debts is not a characteristic one would expect from a former leader.

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