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DO SOMETHING! A Motivating Speech by Michelle Obama. Please Share Worldwide...

DO SOMETHING! A Motivating Speech by Michelle Obama. Please Share Worldwide...

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and If Elected, the Next Time Will be EVEN WORSE!
Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure...
 Like and Share these Facts Worldwide! We Must Beat Trump in 2024... and Exterminate the Republicriminal Party Forever!

#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.

#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House.

#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!

#4 Trump's Trade War With China. It Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Helped Russia by Increasing Sales of Soybeans to China.

#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...

#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans...

#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!

#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History.

#9 Massive Unemployment 14.7%

#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries...

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and If Elected, the Next Time Will be EVEN WORSE!
SE on FaceBORG Said:
Trump has been the most toxic thing I have ever seen in my 65 years and the cult following is absolutely beyond my comprehension. I am a Canadian and have been living on the border and travelled back and forth since I was a child. The US was like an extension of my own country. It’s turned third world with the behaviour of the people and the politicians. Trump has nothing professional to say in any circumstance and immediately goes into slander and insult mode and the magas gobble it up. Why cant they talk about what they can do for the country rather than just hurl insults and ethnic cracks.
Should not the top position in the world be held by an adult at least? I don’t know what Kamala has to offer but her resume is far more impressive than trumps and fiscally he is a disaster just based on his lack of success and bankruptcies and felony charges. These are all real in spite of what mags believes. Do the American people not deserve a leader that doesnt embarrass you on the international stage? The world is laughing but at the same time we are concerned. The United States ( divided for now) has a huge impact on the rest of the world and when you guys get it wrong we all pay. Please get it right and vote with your heads and not your emotions. Sit down and write a pro and con for each candidate and make an informed decision and don’t vote for a leader because your parents did. You owe it to your grandchildren and boy will they have trouble believing this when they read the history books years from now. So grandma, we had a failed game show host as a president who was bankrupt 5 times who has been charged with rape and stole money from charities and bilked people out of their money in order to pay his own legal fees. There is so much more and saying “fake news” doesn’t make it fake news. I have to admit, I hate Donald Trump because he is by far the worst person I have ever seen but I truly hope the United States can unite again and become the great country that you advertise on the red hats. Just a different leader and a different mindset is all it takes. When your leader says he loves the uneducated people because they’ll believe anything I say you have a problem especially when he never speaks the truth. When the administration put together a border plan and Trump squashed it because it would help the sitting president, alarms should go off in everyone’s head. He’s not concerned about the border or the people Only his own agenda.

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

Trump's Top 10 Disasters... As President He Was A Horrible Failure... and Next Time EVEN WORSE!

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