Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Housing Subdivisions With a Waterway to Dock Your Boat in Back and a Motorway to Park Your Car In Front. Satellite Pictures... King Salmon, Venice, Marina Del Ray, Discovery Bay, Tahoe Keys and Delta Cove


King Salmon Map
Map of King Salmon...
Just South of Eureka, California

King Salmon, CA Closeup Satellite View
King Salmon, CA Closeup Satellite View

King Salmon Satellite View Including Gills Restaurant and PGE
King Salmon Satellite View
Including Gills Restaurant and PG&E
and That Very Gentle Beach for Wading.

Venice California - canals satellite view
Venice California - canals - satellite view

Marina Del Rey Apartments With Boat Docks near Venice
Marina Del Rey Apartments
With Boat Docks near Venice

Discovery Bay in the Sacramento River Delta Area Satellite View
Discovery Bay in the Sacramento River Delta Area

Delta Coves Subdivision Planned Boat Community in the Sacramento River Delta Area
Delta Coves Subdivision Planned Boat Community
in the Sacramento River Delta Area

and... Tahoe Keys - South Shore Lake Tahoe... 

Tahoe Keys Map

tahoe keys sat image.jpg

There is growing concern about the spread of aquatic invasive and nuisance plant species which cover over 90 percent of the Tahoe Keys lagoons. Despite the considerable management and financial investment of the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) to control this problem, weeds continue to spread and management costs continue to mount.

Virtual Journeys: Travel Without Leaving Home

Virtual Avenue of the Giants Tour. “Drive” thru the Giant Redwood Trees… Beautiful Humboldt County, California, USA

Ave of the Giants Virtual Journey

Photographs of a Journey to the Headwaters Forest – Now a State Reserve… Near Eureka, CA – Plus The Story of How It Came To Be!


Rainbow Gathering July 1-7, 2024 Will Be In CALIFORNIA… Exact Location To Be Revealed June 15th… and As Soon as I Know, I’ll Post Driving Directions and Maps Here…


Duane Flatmo Murals in Eureka, California – As they were being Painted – and the Kinetic Sculpture Race – An Art Tourists Delight!


JET SETTERS: When Will They Ever Learn? Causing Air Pollution and Climate Change is No Longer “Totally Groovy”


Carson Mansion – Zipper Carnival Ride – Fireworks – Eureka California – Kinetic Sculpture Race – Photographs from California’s Rugged North Coast


Travel Causes Climate Change – JUST DON’T GO! Burning Gasoline in Cars to Go to Grandma’s House? That’s CRAZY!


Virtual Journey: Eureka, Arcata, Trinidad – Visit Northern California’s Coast. We Have Our Own Little World Here Behind The Redwood Curtain!


Virtual Journey: New York: Excellent Places to Go! Autobiography…


Virtual Journey: Canada Tourist Guide & Autobiography. Excellent Places to Visit…


Virtual Journey: Trinity Alps, CA, USA – Simulates a Drive on the Bigfoot Highway (299) From Arcata on the Coast to Redding in the Central Valley. White Water Rafting! Gold Rush Ghost Towns!


Virtual Journey: to the Star Wars Flying Motorcycles Redwood Forest on Hwy 36 in Remote Humboldt County, CA, USA – and the Bridgeville UFO Festival, The Town of Mad River.


Virtual Journey: Lost Coast, CA, USA on Highway 211 – From Victorian Ferndale to The Beach, the Mountains of Mateel to the Avenue of the Giants. Humboldt County.


Virtual Journey to San Francisco – Boat Ride on the Red and White Fleet. Under the Golden Gate Bridge and Around Alcatraz Island… and MORE!

Train Trail from San Francisco to Humboldt Bay

More than a century ago, a railroad was constructed to shuttle passengers and redwood logs between San Francisco and Humboldt Bay.

Now the since-abandoned train track could be transformed into a 307-mile pathway through remote, wild country along California’s North Coast, a move advocates hope will create a world-class outdoors destination and jump-start the economy.

The Great Redwood Trail moved closer to realization this week with the release of a document mapping out the planning, construction and management of the trail in Mendocino, Trinity and Humboldt counties, or the northern portion of the envisioned path. Segments in Sonoma and Marin counties will be planned separately.
“I would put it in the category of the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail — these large, landscape-scale trails that provide an experience for people to see areas that they just would never have access to otherwise,” said Caryl Hart, chair of the California Coastal Commission and board member of the Great Redwood Trail Agency, which is tasked with developing the path.

If realized, the project would be the longest so-called rail trail in the country, generally following the defunct track through towering redwoods and along rushing rivers teeming with salmon. The relatively flat trail would accommodate hikers, bikers and horseback riders while potentially providing an economic infusion to small towns struggling amid the decline of logging and rise of legal cannabis.

Officials say it’s probably 20 years away from completion but will move forward section by section.

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