Humboldt (Official Music Video)

Co-Op Grocery Store. While the mural is being painted...
Pierson's Hardware Store
I was talking to Dwayne Flatmo while he was painting the mural on Pearson's Lumber... And he said that while he was planning the design he used Adobe Photoshop and that mural had 200 layers... It's very rare in my life that I've had an actual conversation with a genius but that happened... And I'm glad! Honored... And it made me realize that it is possible to have 200 layers... Sometimes I've had 10... But 200 is just a Quantum Leap beyond my understanding of Art... And yes, Dwayne Flatmo is a Quantum Leap Beyond almost everyone... He's up there with Salvador Dali... MC Escher
I had an opportunity to chat with Ram Dass at the Rainbow Gathering in California, 2004... But I didn't really have anything to say... People lined up to have a personal conversation... But I didn't do that...

Kinetic Sculpture Race

Lost Coast Dogs.
The No Parking Sign has been MODIFIED...
No BARKING allowed.

Arkley Center for the performing Arts.

Pencil Sketch on CO-OP mural as it is being painted.
Official Website:

Bucksport was his first Mural.

Kinetic Sculpture Race

Lost Coast Dogs.
The No Parking Sign has been MODIFIED...
No BARKING allowed.

Arkley Center for the performing Arts.

Pencil Sketch on CO-OP mural as it is being painted.
Official Website:

Bucksport was his first Mural.
This is a Dwayne Flatmo mural... On a store named Bucksport south of Eureka on Highway 101... It doesn't look like a Flatmo at all... But it was one of his first murals and he did it in the style of some other guy... Bucksport sells hunting and fishing equipment... The only tricky thing on this one is the man in the lower left hand corner casting a shadow as if he was a real guy... But he's not! he's painted! A lot of that fool your eye painting is on the street side of Pearson's Lumber... Many construction workers with ladders and etc etc... But they're not real...

Completed Arkley Center.
Kinetic Sculpture Race. Free Fun for the whole family. Memorial Day Weekend in Arcata, Eureka and Ferndale, CA... Come visit Beautiful Humboldt County California
Three days of travel by Whimsical Art Bicycles over Land, Sea and Sand. The racers stop at the Manila Cultural Center on Saturday about 1 PM to change tires in order to travel on the beach and thru Sand Dunes. There is live Music, beverages, food and Kiddie rides... FUN.

Hippypotamus Kinetic Sculpture

Sailfish Kinetic Sculpture

Starwheel Kinetic Sculpture

Duane Flatmo Installing Sand Tires
for travel on the Beach and thru Sand Dunes.

Cute Dog and Dragon.


Elephant known as Melvin.
Judge in Top Hat.

Live Music at Manila Cultural Center

IMHO: The best place to see the Kinetic Sculpture Race is at the Manila Community Center on Saturday at about 1 PM. They have live music, beverages, food, bathrooms and Kiddee rides... On Eureka's North Jetty Peninsula near Samoa Cookhouse. The Sculptures all stop there and change tires to prepare for traveling on the beach... and down DEAD MANS DROP... a very steep sand dune.

Fan with Hula Hoop at Manila.

Fans Strutting... One Man Giraffe Mobile.
Official Website:
Kinetic Sculpture Race in the Humboldt Bay... Eureka, CA

Madaket Ferry - Kinetic Sculpture Race

The Carson Mansion, Eureka as viewed thru a Stained Glass Window on the front porch of the Pink Lady House.

The Pink Lady House in Eureka, CA

Silverfish by Duane Flatmo will evolve to become a Fire Breathing Dragon
and there are Many Many Many More murals Painted by Many Other Artists in Eureka... It's a Magic Town... <--- Link to More Pictures!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
THE UMMAGUMMA OF CAMBRIDGE [fiction] - a story by Gregory Vanderlaan

When the aliens found out that their spaceship was infested with Ummagumma they stopped at the first planet (eARTh) and dumped them. The place was called Stonehenge. The Ummagumma are an annoying life form that supports themselves by petty thievery. They were first reported in Dickens know... Oliver Twist...Pickpockets...They also have an annoying habit of taking things apart and not putting them back. Have you ever noticed that for some unknown reason things just "go on the blink" ? That's the work of the Ummagumma. For centuries they lived in the swamps near Oxford (Cambridge, England - the land of Eng) but one day they walked down to the docks and snuck aboard a boat. When the captain found out that his boat was infested with Ummagumma he stopped in the first port and dumped them. He threw them right overboard and into the San Francisco bay. They swam to shore and quickly blended into the population. You see, they are short and brown and could be mistaken for Chinamen...............................Stay tuned... next time they disassemble Sutro tower in a futile attempt to "call an intergalactic taxi". ............................And then they wander down the coast and climb... Mount UMUNHUM... The giant box on the mountain overlooking the city of Saint Joe. ...................................................The Ummagumma always stowaway and they just had to get off the planet eARTh. This planet's just too boring. Got to get back to the Swinging Planets in the Crab Nebula...That's where all the Fun Is. and so, gentle reader Ta Ta For Now...

Idea by Arthur C Clarke - Book "Sunstorm"
Instead of Complaining about Global Warming,
Why Knot Actually Do Something?
Ya Think?
On FaceBorg SE Said:
Right-wingers are constantly screaming that CA has been "ruined" by our Democratic politicians, but they never explain why all of the tech companies want to be located here, and why we can't build housing fast enough to keep up with the demand of people who want to live here in this "ruined" state. Lately they want to blame Democrats for inflation and high gas prices, and there is nothing any Democratic politician can do which would ever be good enough for the right-wingers. Recently, our governor has issued a rebate to help CA citizens out with the high cost of gas and other products. Whenever I've seen the rebate mentioned in a discussion on Facebook, it gets met with a bunch of 'laugh' reactions from right-wingers.
So they want to ridicule our state, and they want to spread false information about inflation somehow being the fault of Democratic politicians...but when a Democratic politician decides to give out a rebate to assist with those higher prices, they treat it like some sort of joke. What is it that the right-wingers WANT?!?! I know, I know, they want to get rid of all Democratic politicians and voters. But since that isn't possible, why don't they appreciate when politicians (from either party) actually do something to HELP? I haven't heard of any Republican politicians doing anything to help us out with the higher prices! All they want to do is sit around and blame the Democrats, but they don't offer any solutions. And when a Democrat offers immediate assistance like a rebate, they act like it's a joke, but of course they're more than happy to take their own rebate to the bank. But since it came from a Democrat, it's a joke. Republican politicians have not offered any actual solutions, so why are right-wingers always so angry at Democratic politicians when they DO offer actual solutions?
I know the right-wingers on my feed won't explain, because they never do. They don't know why they hate Democrats so much that they won't acknowledge when a Democrat does something positive. They just do. But if you ever ask for an explanation, they won't offer one because they don't understand it either. I want to hear an actual SOLUTION coming from a Republican, not just anger and blame directed at liberals. For just a minute, let go of your hatred of liberals and explain what it is that YOU think should be done about the problem. And explain why it's such a joke that our governor gave out rebates. To me, that seems like a direct attempt to help, so why aren't right-wingers grateful?
It's interesting when people on the right make comments like, "The left is obsessed with Trump" or "The left can't stop talking about Trump." Of course, they never, ever acknowledge the reasons WHY we need to talk about Trump. Trump is the first president who refused to concede that he lost an election, and instead of the peaceful transfer of power, he rallied his supporters to stage a coup to try to seize power. That was almost 2 years ago, but now he still insists that he actually won the election, and he shows no remorse for his actions on January 6th. Then later, classified documents which did not belong to him were found at Mar-a-Lago, and he refused to return those documents, so the FBI had to go in and get the documents. These things have NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE with any other former president. Is it really so weird that "the left" would talk about these incidents?? It's not as if people are just sitting around talking about him for no reason. He has done things - and continues to do things - which can't be ignored because they are so egregious. How is it possible that anyone does not understand that?
We don't really have any reason to talk about Obama anymore. We don't really have any reason to talk about Bush anymore. The reason is because Obama and Bush have never broken any laws or threatened our democracy in any way. If either Obama or Bush had done the things Trump did, we WOULD talk about them. If a former US president threatens our democracy, of COURSE it should be talked about. Until Trump is finally held accountable for his actions, I hope everyone continues to talk about those actions.
So I Replied:
Trumps Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts Worldwide! We Must Beat Trump in 2024... and Exterminate the Republicriminal Party Forever!
#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.
#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House.
#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!
#4 Trump's Trade War With China. That Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Russia Benefited by Selling Soybeans to China.
#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...
#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans...
#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!
#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History.
#9 Massive Unemployment
#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries...
Have you been seeing reports of those astounding experiments out of FermiLab regarding the muon, which indicates that the very foundation of the current understanding of physics might be wrong? I have read, or attempted to read, articles, and I watched a video explaining it. But every time, about 2/3 in, I hit a wall. It exceeds the limit of my ability to comprehend. But that’s not surprising. Anything to do with physics on the quantum level is intrinsically incomprehensible by not only my brain, but Richard Feynman’s (by his own admission), let alone Alan Guth’s, Erwin Schrödinger’s and any other human brain. We are just not wired to truly visualize what is happening at the quantum level.If those guys can’t quite grasp it, what chance does a calendar artist have? It’s a bit disheartening, coming to the realization that my years of trying tokeep up with the astounding progression of physicists’s understanding of reality, with the goal of having an inkling of WTF is going on, might be for naught, not only due to the limitations of my little cartoonist the brain but because this whatever-it-is might be intrinsically unknowable. In the end, the best I might be able to do is go ”Man ‘at’s some weird-ass s#!t goin’ on, m’kay?” then eat some macaroni and cheese.
Michaele Whiteley
I Love Shoshanna Rose
Birthday Dear Friend

Pic by Alan Workman

— feeling blessed with Shoshanna Rose at Humboldt County Library - Eureka Main Branch.

Completed Arkley Center.
Kinetic Sculpture Race. Free Fun for the whole family. Memorial Day Weekend in Arcata, Eureka and Ferndale, CA... Come visit Beautiful Humboldt County California
Three days of travel by Whimsical Art Bicycles over Land, Sea and Sand. The racers stop at the Manila Cultural Center on Saturday about 1 PM to change tires in order to travel on the beach and thru Sand Dunes. There is live Music, beverages, food and Kiddie rides... FUN.

Hippypotamus Kinetic Sculpture

Sailfish Kinetic Sculpture

Starwheel Kinetic Sculpture

Duane Flatmo Installing Sand Tires
for travel on the Beach and thru Sand Dunes.

Cute Dog and Dragon.


Elephant known as Melvin.
Judge in Top Hat.

Live Music at Manila Cultural Center

IMHO: The best place to see the Kinetic Sculpture Race is at the Manila Community Center on Saturday at about 1 PM. They have live music, beverages, food, bathrooms and Kiddee rides... On Eureka's North Jetty Peninsula near Samoa Cookhouse. The Sculptures all stop there and change tires to prepare for traveling on the beach... and down DEAD MANS DROP... a very steep sand dune.

Fan with Hula Hoop at Manila.

Fans Strutting... One Man Giraffe Mobile.
Official Website:
Kinetic Sculpture Race in the Humboldt Bay... Eureka, CA

Madaket Ferry - Kinetic Sculpture Race

The Carson Mansion, Eureka as viewed thru a Stained Glass Window on the front porch of the Pink Lady House.
The Pink Lady House in Eureka, CA
Silverfish by Duane Flatmo will evolve to become a Fire Breathing Dragon
and there are Many Many Many More murals Painted by Many Other Artists in Eureka... It's a Magic Town... <--- Link to More Pictures!
More Flatmo Picture Many from Burning Man!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
THE UMMAGUMMA OF CAMBRIDGE [fiction] - a story by Gregory Vanderlaan

When the aliens found out that their spaceship was infested with Ummagumma they stopped at the first planet (eARTh) and dumped them. The place was called Stonehenge. The Ummagumma are an annoying life form that supports themselves by petty thievery. They were first reported in Dickens know... Oliver Twist...Pickpockets...They also have an annoying habit of taking things apart and not putting them back. Have you ever noticed that for some unknown reason things just "go on the blink" ? That's the work of the Ummagumma. For centuries they lived in the swamps near Oxford (Cambridge, England - the land of Eng) but one day they walked down to the docks and snuck aboard a boat. When the captain found out that his boat was infested with Ummagumma he stopped in the first port and dumped them. He threw them right overboard and into the San Francisco bay. They swam to shore and quickly blended into the population. You see, they are short and brown and could be mistaken for Chinamen...............................Stay tuned... next time they disassemble Sutro tower in a futile attempt to "call an intergalactic taxi". ............................And then they wander down the coast and climb... Mount UMUNHUM... The giant box on the mountain overlooking the city of Saint Joe. ...................................................The Ummagumma always stowaway and they just had to get off the planet eARTh. This planet's just too boring. Got to get back to the Swinging Planets in the Crab Nebula...That's where all the Fun Is. and so, gentle reader Ta Ta For Now...

Idea by Arthur C Clarke - Book "Sunstorm"
Instead of Complaining about Global Warming,
Why Knot Actually Do Something?
Ya Think?
On FaceBorg SE Said:
Right-wingers are constantly screaming that CA has been "ruined" by our Democratic politicians, but they never explain why all of the tech companies want to be located here, and why we can't build housing fast enough to keep up with the demand of people who want to live here in this "ruined" state. Lately they want to blame Democrats for inflation and high gas prices, and there is nothing any Democratic politician can do which would ever be good enough for the right-wingers. Recently, our governor has issued a rebate to help CA citizens out with the high cost of gas and other products. Whenever I've seen the rebate mentioned in a discussion on Facebook, it gets met with a bunch of 'laugh' reactions from right-wingers.
So they want to ridicule our state, and they want to spread false information about inflation somehow being the fault of Democratic politicians...but when a Democratic politician decides to give out a rebate to assist with those higher prices, they treat it like some sort of joke. What is it that the right-wingers WANT?!?! I know, I know, they want to get rid of all Democratic politicians and voters. But since that isn't possible, why don't they appreciate when politicians (from either party) actually do something to HELP? I haven't heard of any Republican politicians doing anything to help us out with the higher prices! All they want to do is sit around and blame the Democrats, but they don't offer any solutions. And when a Democrat offers immediate assistance like a rebate, they act like it's a joke, but of course they're more than happy to take their own rebate to the bank. But since it came from a Democrat, it's a joke. Republican politicians have not offered any actual solutions, so why are right-wingers always so angry at Democratic politicians when they DO offer actual solutions?
I know the right-wingers on my feed won't explain, because they never do. They don't know why they hate Democrats so much that they won't acknowledge when a Democrat does something positive. They just do. But if you ever ask for an explanation, they won't offer one because they don't understand it either. I want to hear an actual SOLUTION coming from a Republican, not just anger and blame directed at liberals. For just a minute, let go of your hatred of liberals and explain what it is that YOU think should be done about the problem. And explain why it's such a joke that our governor gave out rebates. To me, that seems like a direct attempt to help, so why aren't right-wingers grateful?
It's interesting when people on the right make comments like, "The left is obsessed with Trump" or "The left can't stop talking about Trump." Of course, they never, ever acknowledge the reasons WHY we need to talk about Trump. Trump is the first president who refused to concede that he lost an election, and instead of the peaceful transfer of power, he rallied his supporters to stage a coup to try to seize power. That was almost 2 years ago, but now he still insists that he actually won the election, and he shows no remorse for his actions on January 6th. Then later, classified documents which did not belong to him were found at Mar-a-Lago, and he refused to return those documents, so the FBI had to go in and get the documents. These things have NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE with any other former president. Is it really so weird that "the left" would talk about these incidents?? It's not as if people are just sitting around talking about him for no reason. He has done things - and continues to do things - which can't be ignored because they are so egregious. How is it possible that anyone does not understand that?
We don't really have any reason to talk about Obama anymore. We don't really have any reason to talk about Bush anymore. The reason is because Obama and Bush have never broken any laws or threatened our democracy in any way. If either Obama or Bush had done the things Trump did, we WOULD talk about them. If a former US president threatens our democracy, of COURSE it should be talked about. Until Trump is finally held accountable for his actions, I hope everyone continues to talk about those actions.
So I Replied:
Trumps Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts Worldwide! We Must Beat Trump in 2024... and Exterminate the Republicriminal Party Forever!
#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.
#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House.
#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!
#4 Trump's Trade War With China. That Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Russia Benefited by Selling Soybeans to China.
#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...
#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans...
#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!
#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History.
#9 Massive Unemployment
#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries...
Have you been seeing reports of those astounding experiments out of FermiLab regarding the muon, which indicates that the very foundation of the current understanding of physics might be wrong? I have read, or attempted to read, articles, and I watched a video explaining it. But every time, about 2/3 in, I hit a wall. It exceeds the limit of my ability to comprehend. But that’s not surprising. Anything to do with physics on the quantum level is intrinsically incomprehensible by not only my brain, but Richard Feynman’s (by his own admission), let alone Alan Guth’s, Erwin Schrödinger’s and any other human brain. We are just not wired to truly visualize what is happening at the quantum level.If those guys can’t quite grasp it, what chance does a calendar artist have? It’s a bit disheartening, coming to the realization that my years of trying tokeep up with the astounding progression of physicists’s understanding of reality, with the goal of having an inkling of WTF is going on, might be for naught, not only due to the limitations of my little cartoonist the brain but because this whatever-it-is might be intrinsically unknowable. In the end, the best I might be able to do is go ”Man ‘at’s some weird-ass s#!t goin’ on, m’kay?” then eat some macaroni and cheese.
Don't Worry... "They" just announced that Dark Matter Doesn't Really Exist... It was Just a Math Error... Like in the Hitchhiker's Guide TV Show... "What is 6 X 9?" "42" - OOPS!
So in a year "they" will have another super strange theory of everything...
Before I say what I’m about to say, let me fully acknowledge that I am merely a cartoonist, but I have always been skeptical of the whole dark matter concept. It seemed too easy to take something they didn’t understand and slap a name on it.
I have also always been skeptical of the so-called Big Bang. For decades, it was supposedly the beginning of time, the beginning of the one universe that is all of existence. I called bullshit on that early on. (Yes, I know, I am just a cartoonist.)
Before I say what I’m about to say, let me fully acknowledge that I am merely a cartoonist, but I have always been skeptical of the whole dark matter concept. It seemed too easy to take something they didn’t understand and slap a name on it.
I have also always been skeptical of the so-called Big Bang. For decades, it was supposedly the beginning of time, the beginning of the one universe that is all of existence. I called bullshit on that early on. (Yes, I know, I am just a cartoonist.)
and I Said:
I believe in the expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction expansion contraction forever theoryMichaele Whiteley
I Love Shoshanna Rose


Pic by Alan Workman

— feeling blessed with Shoshanna Rose at Humboldt County Library - Eureka Main Branch.