Republicans! Boycott the Election! Refuse to Vote! The Election is Rigged! Why Play in a Corrupt Game? Trump Will Crown Himself King No Matter What Happens! Take the Day off... You Deserve a Break!


Republicans! Refuse to Vote! The Election is Rigged! A Boycott Would Really "Own The Libs" Why Bother to Play in a Corrupt Game? Trump Crowns Himself King No Matter What!
Q: Is Donald Trump a god and the true ruler of the United States?

A: Satan is the obvious ruler of the USA and every country on earth. Ignorance of reality is the cause of all diseases, suffering and death on earth. Putting boundaries on the earth is forbidden by God, making sects of religions is forbidden by God. Because there is ONE TRUE GOD and ONE son of God sent by Jehovah as the perfect HUMAN do be the final sacrifice for your sins.

Mad King Donald meme

Mad King Donald meme

Now DJT is Down to $19.50 - 8/31/2024

How would you react if Donald Trump declared that he was the king of the United States and intended to rule for life as the crowned king? How would he be removed as president if he lost his mind like that and was serious about his words?

He could scream it to the skies all he likes.

We have laws. We don’t have monarchs. And I don’t even think this current crop of Republicans would change that.

It goes against absolutely everything the Constitution, the whole damn country, is founded on. Built around. Making anyone king or queen would require an entire overhaul of our entire system of government.

You really think we’d sit for that?

I don’t.

The military is also not only allowed but required, per the UCMJ, to disregard unlawful orders.

And the man, or anyone, declaring themselves royalty absolutely counts. There’s an actual law and all forbidding it; article 1, section 9, clause 8 of the Constitution. It forbids the government from granting titles of nobility.

The military would be not just morally, but legally, required to oppose him, or at least not take his orders regarding that particular issue.

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

Mad King Donald meme - Vote for Harris - QAnon SUXX

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