Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Mad Magazine - a Major Part of Baby Boomer Childhoods! Don Martin Cartoons, Spy vs Spy... and The Satire of Classic Poetry and Tales... Like: Jabber-Whacky

I saw Plans for building a TV Commercial Silencer in Mad... I took Apart my Parent's TV and Installed a Switch on a Long Wire... Without Breaking the TV or Getting Electrocuted... and We Enjoyed Silence During TV Commercials for Years... Nowadays, Every remote has a MUTE Button... But Mad Magazine was Way Ahead of Its Time... With a DIY Plans Cartoon... I've Never Been Able to Find a Copy of those Plans... If you HAVE Them... Email Me: gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]com  or Leave a Comment Below!
Don Martin Cartoon - In the Operating Room
Don Martin Cartoon - In the Operating Room

Classic Poetry Satire!

On Dreaming, After Falling Asleep Watching TV

'Twas Brillo, and the G.E. Stoves,
Did Procter-Gamble in the Glade;
All Pillsbury were the Taystee loaves
And in a Minute Maid.

"Beware the Station-Break, my son,
The voice that lulls, the ads that vex!
Beware the Doctors Claim, and shun
That horror called Brand-X!"

He took his Q-Tip'd swab in hand;
Long time the Tension Headache fought--
So Dristan he by a Mercury,
And Bayer-break'd in thought.

And as in Bufferin Gulf he stood
The Station-Break, with Rise of Tame,
Came Wisking through the Pride-hazed wood,
And Creme-Rinsed as it came!

Buy one! Buy two! We're almost through!
The Q-Tip'd Dash went Spic and Span!
He Tide Air-Wick, and with Bisquick
Went Aero-Waxing Ban.

"And hast thou Dreft the Station-Break?
Ajax the Breck, Excedrin boy!
Oh, Fab wash day, Cashmere Bouquet!"
He Handi-Wrapped in Joy.

'Twas Brillo, and the G.E. Stoves
Did Procter-Gamble in the Glade;
All Pillsbury were the Taystee loaves,
And in a Minute Maid.

Don Martin Cartoon - Halt or I'll Shoot!

Spy vs Spy Satire - MK Ultra LSD CIA

Sign on the MAD RIVER in Arcata, CA

At first glance, a person would think that this is a Pink Floyd lyric... but... What if the person that did the graffiti was actually asking God to Grant a wish? Did they realize that at the time I took the photograph I was actually there right then?

And God has granted His Wish! 

Madaket ferry boat Humboldt Bay

Seals living at the mouth of the Mad River near Arcata California
Seals at the mouth of the Mad River in Arcata, CA

Madaket ferry boat Humboldt Bay
Young people enjoying the Madaket boat ride

Psychedelic art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

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