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How I Meditate. It's easy to do and It improves mental health... AND... It Accelerates Global Awakening!

I lie down and close my eyes in a quiet room. Then I focus my attention on my breathing. Slow deep breaths with a silent verbal statement during each breath. Hyperventilating to increase the amount of oxygen in my brain...

For Example:

[Inhale] My mind is completely relaxed  [Exhale] ... [Inhale] My body is completely relaxed [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] I'm going deeper and deeper into a Hypnotic Trance [Exhale] ... [Inhale] My mind is completely relaxed  [Exhale] ... [Inhale] My body is completely relaxed [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] I'm going deeper and deeper into a Hypnotic Trance [Exhale] ...[Inhale] God... [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] Make me a Channel of thy peace [Exhale] ... [Inhale] Where there is Sickness may I bring Health [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God, What should I do with my life? [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] God, what should I write? [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God, what should I create in Paint dot net? [Exhale] ...

and then repeat the entire prayer again and again...

Sometimes I ask God What I should write on my Blog... Looking for divine inspiration for these words... seeking a little wisdom to share... Then I type my Ideas into the internet for people to read and share...

other times I ask God What should I do with my Art programs? Looking for basic concepts to express using Potatoshop?

Sometimes I fall asleep and have Colorful Dreams where I go visit an Art Gallery and see Imaginary Paintings...

It is possible to do this style of Meditation while walking. Focus your attention on your breathing, think positive uplifting thoughts and thank God for this wonderful world. Choose your own God to thank. [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] Watch where you are going and observe the beautiful flowers and trees... they are your brothers and sisters... Observe the beautiful rivers, oceans and the morning dew on the trees... we are mostly water and it's healing to view water... or swim... Some people find the Mantra "OM" is a powerful word. It rhymes with HOME but it's a word in a language that's not English. Ram Dass recommends Mantras written in Sanskrit but I find that they are confusing... He meditates by repeating "RAM" while paying attention to his breathing... That doesn't work for me because RAM in English stands for Random Access Memory - a computer term or a Brand name of a TRUCK or a male sheep or goat... It doesn't do me any good to focus my thoughts on a BIG TRUCK... SO, I choose my own Mantra... "Thank You" works for me.

If your current God turns out to be a disaster then fire that God and find a different one that works! There are over one million different Gods in Hinduism alone. and... there are Many different Religions or lack of Religions in practice in the world today. Do you worship Money? Is that working out? Do you currently worship Jesus or Allah? Well, those paths work just fine for many people but... if they are leading you to chronic unhappiness then simply stop doing that. Just Stop with the self inflicted punishment and choose something else. What about worshipping a plant or worshipping ALL plants and ALL animals? We are all one big happy family... Try dancing around a campfire at night while playing the drums... Might work!

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Let's build a giant Solar Desalinization Plant near San Diego
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