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Is it a good idea to "joke" about assassinating Republican Politicians? No. White Lives Matter Too.

Since we just had an angry voter try to kill Republican Congressmen at a baseball game practice we all ought to stop with the threats and the violence. There is a better way. Every two years we vote and in between we march in protest marches in the streets and in Senator's offices. Email your Senator... They actually employ college students to read the emails and get a general feeling for the voter's opinions. We are better than Italy during World War Two. We are better than Dallas in 1963... We can change the system peacefully... or maybe I'm wrong... The guillotine worked great in France in the 1700s... Off with their heads! No. I'll always be in favor of peaceful political change and NOW is the time to Impeach both Trump and Pence and put someone ELSE in charge. The Republicrimes have failed totally.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Jokes About Wanting Trump To Kill Jared Kushner: "One Good Thing Mussolini Did Was Execute His Son-in-Law"

In just a few minutes on Thursday's edition of 'Hardball' on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews compared President Trump and his family to Saddam Hussein and his sons, the Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam, Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, and the deposed Russian royal family, the Romanovs.

Matthews wondered about the Trumps: "Is it a royal family instead of a Democratic or a Republican form of government? Or is it a family running the government? Is it Ivanka and Jared and the President sitting around in the White House upstairs ruling the world?"

“So the son-in-law — you know, one good thing Mussolini did was execute his son-in-law. I mean, I’m talking about Ciano,” he happily remembered.

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