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Massive G20 protest march in Hamburg - Police use water cannons against crowd. Anti-Capitalists speak up.

G20 in Hamburg: Police and protesters clash

The "Welcome to Hell" protest was over shortly after it began, following a day of suspense in Hamburg.

While it was difficult to understand the reason for the protests it seems to be anti-capitalism. Most of the people involved seemed young - teenagers to 30 somethings - I can relate to their discord over the super rich holding a meeting in their town. The GenXers look forward to a life of wage slavery... Donald Trump is an perfect example of one of the 1% that just decided to purchase the USA Presidency for personal amusement.

German Police Deploy Water Cannon Against G20 Protesters

Hamburg officials are ramping up security as thousands of demonstrators head to the port city this weekend to confront world leaders.

Politicians, civil servants and protestors convene in Hamburg for the start of the G20, in what’s billed as a showdown between Europe and the US over climate change, migration and free trade. But campaign group Global Justice Now has slammed the agenda as “the same tired and failed policies which produced monsters like Trump in the first place”. They argue for fundamental change to defeat the serious danger which the so-called right-wing populists like Trump represent to the future of the world.  

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