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I oppose the NDAA as it funds the F-35 airplane. A corporate welfare program for Lockheed.

The F-35 is an incredibly expensive new airplane that the USA has no need for. If we simply reduced spending on war we could afford to pay for healthcare for all Americans. As it is we are stuck in Forever-War in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. We recently defeated ISIS in Mosul but the victory was not greeted with Parades and Cheering in the USA because ISIS has now spread to different towns and different countries... This huge increase in spending for the military encourages Trump to start another war in order to justify the spending... and get even more for the corporate greed machine.

NDAA = National Defense Authorization Act. How the military gets it's money.

House passes NDAA authorizing huge spending boost for Trump's Defense Department

World's most expensive jet airplane...

The F-35 is an Absurd Waste of Money

Endless waste of Taxpayer Dollars for Corporate Welfare

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