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Netroots Nation Conference - Al Gore Speaks about Global Warming - Climate Reality Project dot org

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power documents Climate Reality Founder and Chairman Al Gore’s fight to solve the crisis as he travels the Earth, witnessing a planet transformed by rising temperatures and inspiring the next generation of citizen activists trained as Climate Reality Leaders.
Watch the trailer at link above...

This Summer Seattle had temperatures above 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. Only about 1/3 of the homes owned air conditioners... None of the trees in the forests have air conditioners... We also saw a green algae bloom in Miami Florida... This is creepy... Go Solar and Wind. Stop burning OIL, coal and gasoline... Electric cars are the future.
A decade after AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH brought climate change into the heart of popular culture, comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes - in moments both private and public, funny and poignant -- as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.

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Interesting TV I've seen recently:
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Thomas Linzey spoke at  Earth at Risk 2014 - He is an Environmental attorney - He recommends that local governmental organizations like towns or counties pass laws prohibiting fracking... That gives people local control of polluters, factory farms - preventing fracking, oil and gas drilling...

"We the People 2.0" documentary American citizens challenge the oligarchy - community bill of rights. Pittsburg Community rights ordinance 2010.
rights of nature ordinance. Broadview Heights.
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Gar Alperovitz: author - alternatives to corporate capitalism - plural commonwealth -
example: Cleveland hospital - worker owned - democracy
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Richard Wolff: Mondragon alternative to Corporate Capitalism -
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Odyssey in Two Biospheres: Ecological sealed terrarium simulator of the entire world.
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Documentary Movies:
Plutocracy II Solidarity Forever.
Plutocracy III Class War
IWW Industrial Workers of the World - aka - The Wobblies
U. Utah Phillips - singer of labor songs

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