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Impeach Trump. 25th Amendment. Emoluments Clause. Three ways to save the USA.

If Three Hundred Million of us Protest we have a chance to get Donald Trump OUT of the White House. While Robert Mueller and the FBI, the Senate and the House are working on their investigations WE THE PEOPLE can help by contacting our representatives. OR... If you are able... March in the streets! We saw that the Trumpcare Bill was defeated by overwhelming rejection by the people. We can do it again.

25th Amendment - How to replace a president who has health problems
There are a few ways to remove Trump from office... Impeachment is the obvious first choice but Disability has potential... If he becomes bored with being 'resident he can voluntarily step down. He has a history of declaring bankruptcy in business deals, would this be any different? If his cabinet agrees that he can't do the job they can force him to quit. If he goes to a hospital for example... Not that unlikely as he is older than dirt and lives a high stress lifestyle...  Even a MENTAL HOSPITAL... and He cannot serve if he is locked up in Jail...

If it can be proved that Trump is being PAID by Foreign Governments he is in violation of the Emolument Clause of the US Constitution. For Example: If he is being PAID by the Russians...
Here are the exact words... "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the US Constitution

Trump thanks Putin for expelling Diplomats. Bizarre False Statement by Trump. No Actual Payroll Savings.
In fact, Putin does not sign the paychecks of American Diplomats and they all continue to be paid. It appears that Trump is weak and appeasing Putin because he has no choice. Like an abused wife, Trump defends his master.

Trump fails to deliver "Fire and Fury" after North Korea continues to threaten the USA.
I guess Guam doesn't really count as a threat... It's not a state... We won't be starting WW3 over a Territory... Rex Tillerson, our secretary of State, says we all should sleep well and not worry... It's just Trump Talking Tough... No REAL action planned.

Be Aware of Propaganda: "The Bottom Line with Boris" and Trump TV "Real" News. They are lying to you.  Sinclair Broadcasting forces their Stations to play Boris. Sinclair is a giant media conglomerate and they own 70% of the local TV Stations.

FBI Raids Paul Manafort's House [Trump's Campaign Manager] looking for evidence in a criminal case.. In order for the FBI to make a raid they must get a search warrant signed by a Judge stating that there is probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime is located at the residence.

Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses. The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it...

Trump's Place in History is Now Secure. He signed the Russian Sanctions Bill despite Putin's Anger. Great Job, Donald. Like JFK and going to the Moon or MLK and the "I Have a Dream Speech", Donald Trump will forever be remembered for the Russian Sanctions Bill that punishes them for meddling with our Presidential election in 2016.

Trump's "base" is the 1% [the super rich]. They pretend that his "base" is uneducated white people but that's a misdirection. Like a magic act, they use misdirection to keep our attention focused on what they want us to see, not what they are really doing.

Tax Cuts for ALL! It can be paid for by debt and letting our great grandchildren worry about the bill later. That's Trumps Plan. Coming soon to Congress:

"Make America Hate Again" - It's ABSURD to Blame Immigrants for all our troubles....
The Federal Police force called ICE is stopping and questioning anyone who looks like an illegal alien. That means Latinos... Including people that were born in the USA. Including people who's Great Great Great Grandfathers were born in the USA.

Donald Trump: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. CAUGHT on tape. Verified by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The President of Mexico says he didn't call Trump at all last week. Trump claimed he called and congratulated Trump for the great job Trump was doing on illegal immigration. The Head of the Boy Scouts says he didn't call Trump at all Last Week. Trump says the boy scout called to tell Trump that Trump gave the greatest speech ever at the jamboree.

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