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Great Movie: A Fierce Green Fire. A History of the Ecology movement.

Includes many films of Greenpeace saving the whales and the Brazilian rubber harvesters saving the Rainforest of the Amazon. It's an Optimistic movie showing that people can change the world.

We really need to fight the current President's destruction of the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump has appointed corporate lobbyists to head the agency and repeal environmental protection laws. Trump stands for more drilling for oil and gas in the USA, more fracking and more pollution of the air and water. The protection of the environment costs corporations money. It's far cheaper to simply dump toxic poison into the river... Dow chemical and Dupont are very happy to collect increased profits at the expense of the people of the USA.

AND... Trump sings the praises of "Clean Coal"... A fundamental lie... It's obvious that coal mining causes black lung disease and coal burning causes air pollution. Trump believes that speaking words can reverse reality and somehow make Coal Clean. Absurd.

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