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Clearly we should Fix the problems with Obamacare. A bi-partisan bill that uses public input is the best way forward.

The Republicrimes need to simply give up on Repealing and Replacing Obamacare because they can't come up with a better plan. Total failure of their 7 years of whining. Their Trumpcare bill was so evil that they couldn't even get Republicans to vote for it. The overwhelming rejection of Trumpcare by the people of the USA caused Senators to question the wisdom of obeying their corporate masters.

Occupying the Senator's offices is a good way to get their attention. In theory, we have a Representative Democracy where the Senators are supposed to listen to the voters and relay our opinions. In actual practice we have a one dollar one vote system instead of a one person one vote system. Corporate lobbyists now dictate policy... So Sad...

However, sometimes the mass of voters protest loud enough to be heard over the bribes...

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