Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Clearcut Logging in Arcata CA Fickle Hill Road - Horses, Goats and Redwood Park

clearcut satellite imagery google

Drive up 11th street past the Arcata Community Forest about 4 miles.
If you ever want to have a private conversation, meet your friend at a campfire in the woods. No cellphone surveillance, No email hacking, No spy cameras, No secret microphones... The Campfire is not absolutely required... but FUN! This also works at the Office. Outside there is usually a smoking area near the dumpster, just ask a friend to ‘step into my office’ and go outside for a private conversation. #ELF #EarthFirst! #deepecology #overgrow #purple64ets

Redwood Park in Arcata, CA
NOT Logged

inside Redwood Park looking at a HSU office building

Goats on Fickle Hill Road - Arcata, CA

Horses on Fickle Hill Road - Arcata, CA

It's a Sunny and Warm Climate up there on the Mountain. These pictures were taken on a day that was Foggy and Cool down here in the Tsunami Zone.

self-portrait at the Schatz Energy Research Center Humboldt State University Arcata CA. Double Pane Windows cause a Visual Echo.

Looking at the greenhouse and dome from the top of the hill behind CCAT on HSU campus in Arcata CA

Campus Center for Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University in Arcata CA


Beautiful Houses in Arcata CA

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