Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Since I Registered to Vote, the Government Now Knows Where I Live and They Summoned Me For Jury Service... I Still Think Voting is a Good Idea... but... I Really Don't Like The Government Knowing Where I Live...

NONE of My 5 Housemates Were Summoned... None of Them Registered to Vote... All of Them are Old People and Quite Often Have Severe Dementia... No Interest in Elections at all.  Oh Well, It's too Late Now... My Location Has Been Revealed to The Brain Police... 

I Only Told My Brother and My Second Ex-Wife Where I Am... and They are Smart Enough to Keep That Information Secret... NO ONE ELSE KNOWS... My Doctor and My Landlord Know I'm Here But HIPPA Prevents Them from Sharing That Information... I Did a Google Search for the Words: Phone Number Gregory Vanderlaan AND NO ONE KNOWS That I Live in Beautiful Orangvale, CA! The Trail Vanishes at my Home in Eureka, CA...  

Remember: My Vote Accomplished NOTHING... But Set Me Up for Government Required Service! The DMV Does Not Know Where I Live Because I Told them Eureka, CA where I USED To Live... Not Beautiful Orangevale, CA 

In 2016 I Did Not Vote and Hillary Won all the Electoral College Delegates WITHOUT My Help... In 2020, I DID Vote and Joe Biden Won all the Electoral College Delegates WITH My Help... SO, My Vote Did Not Make Any Difference At All...  There were many other Races and I Voted in Many of Them and Left Many Blank... Not Only Do I NOT CARE Who is On The School Board, But If I Voted for Anyone that would Screw Up The Election for People That DO CARE... 

I Would Have Voted to Legalize Marijuana in 2016 but My Own Personal Health Troubles Focused My Attention and I Did Not Register or Vote Even When the Care Giver Offered to Help Me Do That... 

Thankfully, I Did Not Have to Serve on a Jury... It Costs $68.00 To Hire LYFT to Take me to Beautiful Downtown Sacramento... If The Trial Lasted for a Long Time That Adds Up To A LOT OF MONEY... They Entire System is Designed for People that Own Cars... Free parking at the Courthouse... and Everyone who has to Travel over an Hour and a Half is Excused... BUT... That's a Long Distance... I Live about a Half an Hour from The Courthouse... 

People Will Ask: What If No One Registered to Vote? What Then? Would the US Government Be Ruled by The Super Rich? YES... Just Like It Is Today! A Better System of Government is What They Had in France in 1789... "Off With Their Heads!"

Home on a Pleasant Day - No Need To Own Guns - No BAD GUYS Spotted in the Garden - gvan42
Home on a Pleasant Day -
No Need To Own Guns -
No BAD GUYS Spotted in the Garden

420 Pop Quiz for Alice in Wonderland Fans - What is the Red Queen Screaming?
Pop Quiz for Alice in Wonderland Fans -
What is the Red Queen Screaming?

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Donald Rumsfeld stated: Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.[1] PRETTY DEEP CONCEPT THERE...

In  Other News: 

Biden message to China and Russia: America is back, Trump is gone, the free ride is over.  Joe Biden's speech to Congress was the first time in four years that people who focus on foreign policy and national security have had to pay attention to a presidential address. There was actually a recognizable foreign policy in it, a statement of principles about democracy and America’s role as a global leader, from a functioning White House that seems to care about engagement with the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, one of Biden's clear themes on foreign affairs was his recognition of the destruction former President Donald Trump left in his wake and the need to restore American credibility.

Brendan Hunt found guilty of threatening to assault or murder members of Congress... He was a Part of the TrumpNik® 1/6/2021 Failed Insurrection...

MORE THAN 400 TrumpNiks® ARRESTED! JUST LOCK 'EM UP! Great Job DOJ! The riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 has led to one of the largest criminal investigations in American history. The attack, which the Federal Bureau of Investigation views as an act of domestic terrorism, ended with five people dead, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer. Since that day, the government has brought charges against more than 400 individuals.

441 people have been charged in the Failed Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.

HEADLINE: Satellites show world’s glaciers melting faster than ever... I Guess That Climate Change is REAL... and Soon To Put Manhattan, NYC Under Water... Glad I Don't Own any Real Estate There! Half the world’s glacial loss is coming from the United States and Canada.

In collaboration with New York City, The BIG U proposal was developed to protect Lower Manhattan from floodwater, storms, and other impacts of a changing climate. The BIG U calls for a  protective system around the low-lying topography of Manhattan beginning at West 57th Street, going down to The Battery, and then back up to East 42nd Street...

GREAT JOB, JOE! Majority of Americans say US economic conditions are good for the first time during the pandemic, per CNN Poll... 

The Chickens Come Home to Roost for ‘Treasonous Traitor’ Rudy... LOCK HIM UP! The man once known as “America’s mayor” now appears to be on the brink of a federal indictment for, among other things, selling out his country by actively aiding and abetting Russia’s campaign to undermine American democracy in the 2020 election.

North Fire: All evacuation orders lifted as 650-acre brush fire reaches 25% containment in Castaic... Near Santa Clarita... on Highway #5 North of Los Angeles... The First of MANY Fires This Summer... 

ANOTHER NUCLEAR POWER PLANT TO CLOSE... Notice a Trend? Indian Point shuts down permanently in three days... 

DO NOT GO SWIMMING NEAR SANTA CATALINA ISLAND IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA... Up to 25,000 barrels at DDT dump site in Pacific, scientists say
Resting deep in the ocean, the exact location and extent of the dumping was not known until now.

HEADLINE: Here is What To Know About Staying Mentally Sharp, According to a Psychiatrist and a Neurologist... Step #1 Unplug FOX NEWS... They Endlessly Lie in Order to Promote Evil... It's a Marketing Plan! DON'T BE A SUCKER, UNPLUG TUCKER!

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