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A Better Way to Live: DON'T DO EVIL. The NYPD Fired Daniel Pantaleo for Murdering "I Can't Breathe" Eric Garner. It Seems Like a Lot of Bad People are Being Punished these Days.

The Bureau of Prisons Chief, Hugh Hurwitz, that Allowed Jeffrey Epstein to Supposedly "Commit Suicide" got DEMOTED. NOT Fired, Just Demoted to assistant director of department's Reentry Services Division. 

Sure, Daniel Pantaleo Got Away With Murder, but he won't be getting his pension and he will have a difficult time getting a Job... Who would employ him? He is Obviously STUPID and is Likely to cause Disaster Wherever he Works... 

Some "Pigs" Do Get Away With Murder... Like in Sacramento, California two "Porkers" shot Stephon Clark, an Unarmed Black Man in the Back. No Charges Filed against Terrance Mercadal or Jared Robinet... So Murder is Legal in Sacramento, CA... FUN! Say OINK! OINK!

MEME - Free all the Cannabis Prisoners - gvan42

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