Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

There is a Mental Health Disease called Autism... Trump and his Band of Flying Monkeys are All in Favor of Doing Evil and Making Other People Suffer.

When We See a Crying Little Girl whose Father was Arrested for Being an Illegal Alien... Most People are Sad... and Outraged... but TrumpNiks Delight in the Crying of Children. That's Because TrumpNiks Are Mentally Ill... How Can We Help Them Awaken?  

Doing Good and Opposing Evil is a fine way to live. I often wonder about Republicans and Why they are So Angry all the time... I guess it's because They Know that What They Do and Say is Wrong, and Deep Down Inside they are Ashamed... What must it be Like to Notice that their Beliefs Oppose Sanity and Reality? When we watch TV Shows about Protesting the War in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan... I Remember That It Was Fun to March in the Streets... It must be an Odd Feeling to Remember that They were Totally in Favor of those Disasters... "OOPS, MY BAD... I Failed to Grasp The Concept..." Of Course, They Probably Just Change the Channel to Pro Wrestling... 

I Believe that Pointing at the Moon is a Good Way to Get People to Notice The Moon... Yes, Some Will Only Notice the Finger, But Some Will Look at Where the Finger is Pointing. Actually, I'm NOT Talking About The MOON in this Example... But Talking about Reality, Sanity, Good and Evil. The Words I Write are Pointing at Evil, Exposing Wrong Doing, Attempting to AWAKEN People to Change Their Way of Life. Stop Funding Evil. Stop Speaking Evil. Stop Doing Evil. Just Stop It. Being a #MAGAKiller is NOT a Lot of FUN. Think about it... Really... THINK! You have a Brain in Your Head and Shoes on your feet... OH! The Places You'll GO! With THINKING!
Refuse to Pay Your NRA Membership Dues MEME - with Backwards LOGO - gvan42 - Greg Vanderlaan

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