Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Chords and Lyrics to "MELT the GUNS" - You Could Record This... A Hit Song! by Greg Vanderlaan and a Link to My Youtube Video...

Too many Children Dying... [A* C* A# A] 
Too Many Families Crying...
Everybody Realizes We Should Just Collect 'em All...
and Melt the Guns, Melt the Guns, Melt 'em... [G D A]
Melt the Guns, Melt the Guns, Melt 'em...
Then They Won't Ever Kill Again... [E A E] 3X

They say: 
"Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People"[A* C* A# A] 
They Say: "Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People"
But If We Just Melt the Guns... [G D A]
The Bullets will be Harmless...
But If We Just Melt the Guns... [G D A]

The Bullets will be Harmless...
Hey, Hey, NRA, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? 
[CHANT - Knuckles Knock on the Guitar Body]
Hey, Hey, NRA, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?

No, It's Not Video Games... [A* C* A# A] 
No It's Not Mental Health... 
That's Just Our Puppet President Pretending... [G D A]
When The NRA Jerks His Chain, He Jumps! Good Dog! OBEY! [E A E]
When The NRA Jerks His Chain, He Jumps! Good Dog! OBEY!

Everybody Realizes We Should Just Collect 'em All... 
[A* C* A# A]
and Melt the Guns, Melt the Guns, Melt 'em... [G D A]
Melt the Guns, Melt the Guns, Melt 'em...
Melt the Guns, Melt the Guns, Melt 'em...
Then They Won't Ever Kill Again... and Again... and Again... [E A E]
Like Guns Do Now... They Kill Again... and Again... and Again... 

[Spoken] Are You Happy Buying Bulletproof Backpacks for Your Children?

A* = E0 A7 D7 G6 B0 e0
C* = E0 A0 D5 G5 B5 e0
A# = E0 A0 D3 G3 B3 e0

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