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TRUMP LIES MATTER. How can we help his base WAKE UP? It appears that REALITY is not noticed by TrumpNiks... HEY! YOU! WAKE UP!

Mad King Donald is Destroying our Farmers with his BONEHEAD Trade War. Prices Higher, Wages Lower, Suicide Increasing, Alcoholism Increasing, Drug Overdoses Increasing, Businesses Going Bankrupt, Stock Market Going Down, #MAGAKillers... WAKE UP! North Korea just Flipped US The Bird... Treaty? No, They Just Continue to Build Atom Bombs and say uckFay ouYay onaldDay... Did Trump Just have Jeffrey Epstein Murdered? Ask Yourself, Who Would Benefit from a Dead Epstein? OMG! You just asked yourself a question... That's the road to THINKING... and Thinking makes people #Runaway from Czar Donald... WAKE UP! Most People Voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Most People STILL Do Not Like Trump... STOP BELIEVING TRUMP'S LIES... You Can Do It! You CAN THINK For Yourself! WAKE UP!

TRUMP LIES MATTER - MEME - more free memes at Google Image Search Keywords gvan42 MEME
WAKE UP! - MEME - more free memes at Google Image Search Keywords gvan42 MEME
BAN ASSAULT RIFLES - MEME - more free memes at Google Image Search Keywords gvan42 MEME

Why Not Tell Your Representatives to IMPEACH? They Will NOT Know what you think unless you tell them... In absence of Public Comment, they will continue to do what Corporations and the Super Rich pay them to do... DUH!

Use this Link to Contact your US Senators...

and use This one for Representatives in the House...

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