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At a Trump Campaign Rally - Set Off a 130Db Personal Alarm - Sonic Protest! Let's See How He Deals with Absurdist Political Theater... Insane Loud Noise during a TV Appearance!

At a Trump Campaign Rally - Set Off a 130Db Personal Alarm - Sonic Protest - MEME - MORE memes at Google Image Search Keywords: gvan42 MEME

BULLETPROOF BACKPACKS FOR CHILDREN. Walmart Continues to sell GUNS but removes Video Game Displays. Instead of taking action that would save lives, Walmart finds a way to made More Money and Kiss the NRA's Tuchas!

Why is Trump EVIL? Is it Demonic Possession? Do We Need an Exorcism? Enquiring Minds Want To Know... QAnon Asks: Did Trump Order the Murder of Jeffrey Epstein? He has Motive... and Opportunity... Is it just an Extreme Example of Trump's Witness Tampering?

Ban Assault Rifles MEME - Get More MEMEs at Google Image Search Keywords: gvan42 MEME

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and Now, on a Different Subject...
Memories of my Childhood... 
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I remember Vasona before it became a Park in Los Gatos, California. There was a lot of Bamboo and Cattail swamps. We went swimming off the Dam... We Fed the Ducks... Later, when it was a Park I went sailing with Barry Hill in a Homemade "El Toro" Boat that his Dad, Robert, Made out of a Kit... The Last time I was driving around with My Dad, they tried to get $5.00 admission to the Park and I refused... We drove to Apollo Heights behind Saratoga instead... That is a Epic View. Looking down on the Paul Masson Mountaintop Winery... and Los Gatos, Moffett Field, San Francisco...  Our house on Bruce Ave. was able to get San Francisco TV Stations if you pointed the Antenna in the Exact Right Direction. We owned a Radio Shack Antenna with a Rotator Box... and we did NOT climb up on the roof ourselves to install it. MOM insisted that we stop climbing up on the roof and Hire People to do stuff like that... and that worked! We never fell off the roof! That house has vanished... the new owners had it torn down so they could build a McMansion and Reap a Profit... I wonder what happened to the Redwood Deck that Mom, Dad and Grandpa built themselves? That wood is still valuable 60 years later. 

Did you know that More Money was made Logging Redwood Trees than was made Mining Gold? The Gold Rush lasted for a few decades but Redwood Logging Continues today... About half of the Sawmills near Eureka have closed because there are not that many trees left in places where they can be removed profitably. When you hire a helicopter to fly the log out... it's difficult to find trees that are worth that expense.  I lived in Eureka for 16 years and actually wrote a Newspaper Article about an Earth First! Ecology Protest - Tree Sit - Mass Arrest for the Humboldt State University Lumberjack Newspaper. Took Photographs, Interviewed People... but I did not interview any Policemen or MAXXAM Employees... I practiced BIASED Journalism. Years later I went back to that same location in Freshwater Valley and took more photographs and the Pampas Grass is growing fantastic now that there is plenty of sunlight... Those Redwood Trees Caused a Lot of Shade... That Tree Sit lasted for 364 Days. a few people built treehouses way up at the top of the Trees... One tree was named Jerry... But in the end, the Evil Charles Hurwitz Logged all the really Profitable trees, stole as much money as he could from the pension fund, Declared Bankruptcy and went back to Texas... and the New Owners (Humboldt Redwood Company - The Gap Clothes Store) are making boards out of Douglas Fir Trees... and some Planted Redwoods... and the entire Timber Wars experience gave us a New State Park - The Headwaters Forest - and It's fun to go hiking in... There is a paved road about six feet wide and many people ride bikes, push strollers, skateboard and ride wheelchairs to the Old Growth Trees. NO CARS! NO MOTORCYCLES! EARTH FIRST!

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and Now, on a Different Subject...
Today's News... 
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HEADLINE: Trump administration further weakens the Endangered Species Act... "Kill! Kill! Kill! I Hate Butterflies! I Hate Bees!" Says Mad King Donald... Nixon Signed the Endangered Species Act... and it saved lives of Animals!

HEADLINE: New Trump Rule tries to Kill Bald Eagles... He Says: Animals don't Pay Bribes so what value are they? They Don't Rent Rooms at My Hotel so... We don't need Bears, Dolphins or Whales..." Headline: Trump rewrite of endangered species rule could threaten monarch butterflies, environmental group warns...

HEADLINE: Immigration official Ken Cuccinelli: Statue of Liberty poem refers to immigrants from Europe ONLY... Obvious Racist Pig... OINK! OINK! Just like His Boss... Mad King Donald the Loser... "Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge."

Beto O'Rourke, a 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful from the Texas border city of El Paso tweeted, "This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people."

HEADLINE: Trump's top immigration official reworks the words on the Statue of Liberty... The Trump administration's top immigration official reworked the famous words on the Statue of Liberty in an interview Tuesday, saying America will only embrace immigrants who can "stand on their own two feet" and "not become a public charge." In a subsequent interview, Ken Cuccinelli went a step farther, saying the poem referred to "people coming from Europe."

Why don't WE have thousands of protesters in the Street in Washington DC like they Have in Moscow, Paris and Hong Kong? HEADLINE: Street Protests Might Bring Down Putin—Or Make Him Even More Dangerous to U.S.
Putin has only begun to use the enormous coercive power he has at his disposal, and as he blames the Americans his motive for interference in the U.S. grows.

HEADLINE: Why are Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum hanging out in Russia? They Are Getting their Marching Orders from Putin in Person... I Guess... For thousands of dollars, you can join these former GOP stalwarts (TV Talking Heads) on a Baltic tour. The two are helping lead a for-profit cruise through the Baltic Sea — one that costs guests anywhere between $5,000 and $12,000 to attend. On Facebook, Huckabee pitched the cruise as an “unforgettable trip to the Baltics,” noting that it would also be stopping in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. CASHING IN ON THEIR GOVERNMENT JOB FAME... Ca-Ching!

HEADLINE: The Past and Future of The Internet: A Symposium for John Perry Barlow... The Duke Law and Technology Review has released a special edition dedicated to examining the legal and philosophical legacy of John Perry Barlow: co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation; junior lyricist for the Grateful Dead; biofuel entrepreneur; philosopher; poet; hacker Zelig; and driven, delightful weirdo.

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