Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Bachelor in Paradise TV Show Goes GAY! With Girl on Girl Action! Wowsa! All of a Sudden I Want to Watch this Show... Never Did Before...

Two Blond White Women with Great Teeth... 
That's Entertainment! 

Rainbow Diamond Two-Tone Coffee Mug FOR SALE:

Simple yet elegant variation on the Rainbow Flag... Exactly 60 degree divisions of a square rotated 45 degrees and colored ROY G BIV
Show Your Support for the GBLT Community.
(Great Bacon Lettuce and Tomato)

Rainbow Diamond POSTCARD... 
Mail a Little ART-Love to a Friend!
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Chinese Group Buys $1.5 Million Dollars of Facebook Ads For Trump. Conspiracy Theory Organization Falun Gong Promotes Fear of The Deep State, the Illuminati and Baby Eating Satanic Democrats. Now they Loudly Proclaims That Trump will Save Us all During the Coming Apocalypse. Bang A Gong! Falun Gong!

Trump will soon be the Puppet of Putin, The NRA, Coal Corporations and NOW, CHINESE FREAKS!

Until recently, the contents of website The Epoch Times have been so out there, so beyond the pizzagate conspiracy theories of Gateway Pundit and the black helicopter lizard men of Infowars, that it’s been regarded as too odd to be considered part of the right-wing “mainstream.” No more. Under Trump, all bets are off. And a group that’s willing to top the online spending of Democratic candidates to express its support for Trump is definitely welcome in the fold … even if they do want him for his finger on the nuclear trigger.

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