Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Moscow Protest: 60,000 People in the Streets. If they throw Putin OUT, Trump is Doomed in the 2020 Election. Without Russian Help, Trump Would Have Lost in 2016 and Even More Patriots Oppose Him in 2020.

 Racist White Men are a Minority of the Voters. That's WHY Republicriminals are Fighting So Hard to Prevent People from Voting. They Know that They are on the Wrong Side of History. Fair Elections Will End the GOP for Decades. 

We Need Paper Ballots and Purple Thumbs. Everyone is Allowed to Vote. After voting they dip their thumb in Purple Dye to prevent Voting Twice. Just like people do in Third World Countries. Paper Ballots can be counted by People and Re-Counted if Needed. NO MICROSOFT/DARPA MACHINES! Those Machines are inherently suspicious of fraud... The Candidate that Supports the Military Industrial Complex can be Pre-Programmed to Win... Whoever Loves Microsoft and DARPA could just Fake Votes... PAPER BALLOTS ARE CHEAPER AND MORE RELIABLE! PURPLE THUMBS ARE FOOLPROOF!

I look forward to the 2020 election. #MAGAKillers promise that they will surround the White House are use their GUNS to Prevent the Next President from Moving In. It will be interesting to watch on TV the Battle between People in Favor of Democracy vs People in Favor of Monarchy... It will be very important to stay far away from the Chaos... Let TV News Crews Film it... The vast Majority of Americans OPPOSE Trump but His Supporters Have GUNS... and They Say They Will Use Them to Make Sure Mad King Donald Will Rule Forever... And Prince Jared will become the Next King...  


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