Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I remember going to a Light Show at the Theater in Old Town, Los Gatos California. They played Beatles Music and Projected Many Slides all at the same time...

They also had a Light Show at Forbes Mill. That one showed Photographs on Multiple Slide projectors with rotating wheels that caused the pictures to strobe. They also made slides using Crystal Craze Paint bought at a Tropical Fish store. 

We had a "Human Be In" down at the Baseball Field near the Freeway. I was disappointed as Nothing Really Happened. I guess I didn't GROK the Concept or Maybe the Concept Was Lame... 

I went to Fre-Ba-Zak House often. It was a Halfway House - Safe Space where Parents and Teenagers could meet and solve their differences... at least that was the Proposed Plan that the Town Financed... a place for Runaways... However, I just liked hanging out with other kids.... I Did use their services one night when I was too stoned on LSD to go home after the Tina Turner Concert... So I waited there until my parents were asleep before I went home. It WAS a Good Idea to have a Safe Place. Fre-Ba-Zak House was Part of the "Youth Unlimited" Group that Ran Forbes Mill, a Place for Live Music. Someone went to San Francisco and Saw a Concert at the Fillmore and said... HEY, WE CAN BUILD OUR OWN... And instead of Attending a Grateful Dead Concert, I was in the Band... 

I do remember sitting around the kitchen table and Drinking Coffee and talking about important subjects... That was meaningful... One night we all listened to a Dramatic Reading on the Radio of Plato's The Cave... and that gave us a LOT to think about... Because Those of us who had HAD the LSD Experience all felt Like the Man who Stopped Watching the Shadows on the Wall and Left the Cave to See What was OUTSIDE. 

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