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Great Book: "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass AKA Dr. Richard Alpert... Autobiography and Illustrated Eastern Religion... with amazing art created using rubber stamps for letters and symbols...

At the Rainbow Gathering in California, I spent an afternoon at Ram Dass' Tent... Just relaxing with other people and enjoying some marijuana... There was a long line of people that wanted a personal meeting with Ram Dass and I declined to wait in that line... This tent was at an intersection of two main trails at the Gathering and so there was a lot of interesting looking people walking by... and the Rangers were providing free car rides for disabled people. Right next to us there were a group of Teenagers that were begging for Candy... Well, why not? They used the Slang word DZUZU... Once I found out what that word meant, I threw small bags of M&M Candy at them... and they cheered... Chocolate falling out of the sky! Later I met a DOG and had a long Conversation because I fed him some Summer Sausage... That got the dog's attention... free meat! and he refused to leave me alone until I Hid the Sausage in my Backpack... Then, since he could not see the meat, he believed it was all gone and walked away... 

The next day, there was Live Music at the Ram Dass Tent... and they played the most CONSONANT music I have ever heard... Very similar to Christian Music... where they play Major Chords and never stray into Minor Chords or 7ths... I wandered away because I wanted to be part of the July 4th OM at Main Circle... I took this Photo and then Put the Camera in my Pocket, Held Hands and Chanted... Sometimes it's best to ACTUALLY LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE... and then Years later someone on the Internet wrote the slogan... and Potatoshopped it into this Photo... THANKS! I was just surfing the web when Surprise! I saw My Photo with words written on it! 

Rainbow Gathering in California - July 4th OM - Photo by Gregory Vanderlaan


Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying

“We’re talking about metamorphosis
We’re talking about going from a caterpillar to a butterfly
We’re talking about how to become a butterfly.”

In March 1961, Professor Richard Alpert – later renamed Ram Dass – held appointments in four departments at Harvard University. He published books, drove a Mercedes and regularly vacationed in the Caribbean. By most societal standards, he had achieved great success... And yet he couldn’t escape the feeling that something was missing. 

hand drawn lettering - Remember Be Here Now - Great Book by Ram Dass aka Dr Richard Alpert

Psilocybin and LSD changed that. During a period of experimentation, Alpert peeled away each layer of his identity, disassociating from himself as a professor, a social cosmopolite, and lastly, as a physical being. Fear turned into exaltation upon the realization that at his truest, he was just his inner-self: a luminous being that he could trust indefinitely and love infinitely.

And thus, a spiritual journey commenced. Alpert headed to India where his guru renamed him Baba Ram Dass – “servant of God.” He was introduced to mindful breathing exercises, hatha yoga, and Eastern philosophy. If he found himself reminiscing or planning, he was reminded to “Be Here Now.” He started upon the path of enlightenment, and has been journeying along it ever since. 

Be Here Now is a vehicle for sharing the true message, and a guide to self-determination. 

With over 150 pages of metaphysical illustrations, practical advice on how to implement a yogic regiment, and a chapter dedicated to quotes and book recommendations, Be Here Now is sure to enrich your emotional, physical, and spiritual life.

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