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Trump is an Ecological Disaster. The Damage He Has Done Will Take Decades if Not Hundreds of Years to Undo. IF EVER... That's The National Geographic's Opinion... He Is Freaking CRAZY!

Increased Water Pollution. Increased Air Pollution. More Fracking. More Toxic Chemicals "Blessed" by the EPA. Killing Endangered Species. Killing BEES (No Bees, No Food) and Just Buying Bottled Water Does Not Solve the Problem... When you Take a Shower Your Skin Absorbs Toxic Waste... Really...

Remember: Your Children Are Eating RoundUP for Breakfast... 

MEME - Trump Lies - gvan42 - Quotations of Mad King Donald the Corrupt

Headline:15 ways the Trump administration has changed environmental policies... For the past three years, National Geographic has been tracking how this administration's decisions will influence air, water, and wildlife.

Since the Trump administration took office, it has been fighting what they call an “anti-growth” agenda put in place by the Obama administration. Regulations that required businesses to spend time and money to meet the former administration's environmental standards were swiftly reviewed and, in many cases, rolled back.

National Geographic has been tracking the decisions that will impact America's land, water, air, and wildlife. What started with curtailing information when the president took office in 2017 has evolved into actions like executive orders that open public land for business. 

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