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I Remember that When Obama was President, All of a Sudden There Were About a Dozen Brand New PT Cruiser Cars in the Parking Lot at the Office. The "Cash for Clunkers" Program." The People Said They Got a Big Discount From the Government to Buy New Cars. TRUMP HAS FAILED TO DO ANYTHING TO HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

If YOU Can Think of Anything Trump Has Done to Make America Great Again... PLEASE TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. I Can't Think of ANYTHING! The Tax Cut For The Rich FAILED... The Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law FAILED... Help Me Out Here People... He Must Have Done SOMETHING! 

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American History: Cash for Clunkers — now officially known as the Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) — is a federal program passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama on June 24, 2009. The program is meant to encourage consumers to trade in older, less fuel-efficient vehicles for new vehicles that get better fuel economy by providing a credit worth up to $4,500. Modeled after several programs that have already been successfully implemented in Europe, the program is expected to begin on July 23 and end on November 1, 2009.

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