Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Another Corrupt TrumpNik. HEADLINE: Students for Trump founder pleads guilty to posing as lawyer in $46K scam... Swamp Creatures "R" US!

Headline: Trump Campaign Ad Features QAnon Signs...
Whether accidental or not, the Trump campaign keeps nodding to QAnon conspiracy theorists, even after the FBI called them a potential source of domestic terror...

Trump is FAMOUS for his Crazy Conspiracy Theories... Remember Birtherism? Remember the Central Park Five? QANON is his Favorite! They spew HATESPEECH for Him! Spawning #MAGAKillers

MEME - MAGA HAT is a Classic Hint that the wearer is INSANE
MAGA HAT is a Classic Hint that the wearer is INSANE

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