Anti-Trump Protests Today in Dayton and El Paso. How can we NOT SEE that Trump's Racist Hate Speech Inspired the #MAGAKillers? OUTLAW ASSAULT RIFLES.

Do Something Stop the #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42
ASSAULT RIFLES were illegal before and the Murder Rate went down. Proven Successful. However, since Mad King Donald the Loser TOOK $30 MILLION from the NRA, he is their Puppet and NOW says we should keep Assault Rifles Legal... No One Needs an AR-15 to Kill Bambi... Use a Bow and Arrow! That way Hunting would become a SPORT not a SLAUGHTER. When the Second Amendment was written it Kept MUSKETS Legal. They had NO IDEA That we would invent Machine Guns, Bazookas, Hand Grenades or Assault Rifles... and Somehow we have MANY anti-gun Laws... BUT Assault Rifles are Still LEGAL AND KILLING AMERICANS. 

We the People REFUSE Trump's Insane Laws... Especially his "Help Crazy People Buy Guns" Law. That LAW keeps information SECRET about people on Social Security who are so Mentally Ill that they Can't Handle their Own Money. That FACT Does Not Show Up on Background Checks. Thanks to Trump's Law, those people who are OFFICIALLY INSANE are welcome to buy Guns...  Massive Rejection Nationwide of NRA and their Puppet Republicriminals... Write to Your Senators and Congress... DO SOMETHING!