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The Little Stevie Munchkin - Kamala Harris Mystery. Why Did She Drop All Charges on the Treasury Secretary? AKA "The Foreclosure King"


FORMER CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY General Kamala Harris on Wednesday vaguely acknowledged The Intercept’s report about her declining to prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank for foreclosure violations in 2013, but offered no explanation.

“It’s a decision my office made,” she said, in response to questions from The Hill shortly after being sworn in as California’s newest U.S. senator.

Mnuchin is Donald Trump’s nominee to run the Treasury Department, and served as CEO of OneWest from 2009 to 2015. In an internal memo published on Tuesday by The Intercept, prosecutors at the California attorney general’s office said they had found over a thousand violations of foreclosure laws by his bank during that time, and predicted that further investigation would uncover many thousands more.

But the investigation into what the memo called “widespread misconduct” was closed after Harris’s office declined to file a civil enforcement action against the bank.

Harris’s statement on Tuesday doesn’t explain...

Many of the loans were Option Adjustable Rate Mortgages, which allowed borrowers to make minimum payments that didn’t cover the interest accrued each month. That extra interest would get added to the principal balance, eventually ballooning monthly payment amounts to a sum the borrower couldn’t afford. That landed them in the foreclosure process.

Between 2009 and 2013, OneWest foreclosed on approximately 36,000 homes while initiating about 45,000 more foreclosures.

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HEADLINE: Kamala Harris Has To Answer For Not Prosecuting Steve Mnuchin.

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HEADLINE: The Story Behind the “Story” of Kamala Harris and Steve Mnuchin. (Author States: Nothing To The Story as Many News Outlets Quote the Same Intercept Article... As If That Mattered... Classic Attack the Messenger Not The Message Trick!) 

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"Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics" 
Two-Tone Coffee Mug FOR SALE!

You May Change the Words if you want to. There are two layers. a white layer with slightly larger type and a black layer on top... to form a "drop shadow" effect... anyway... write your own "Manifesto" or just buy the cup with the slogan: Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics... 

Let Doctors and Patients Decide What is the Best Treatment For Themselves.

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