Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

One thing we could do to Stop Climate Change is use less electricity. Much electric power is created in COAL FIRED PLANTS... or Nuclear Power Plants... SO... GROW YOUR MARIJUANA OUTDOORS IN THE FREE SUNSHINE!

Stop Using Grow Lights Indoors. That's a WASTE! and One day at the PG&E Plant near my house SEVEN (7) Transformers Blew Up... Because of the Sudden Surge in Power Needed to Light up and indoor Farm... CRAZY! There is plenty of FREE Sunshine... My Neighbor has a White Plastic Sheet Greenhouse in his Backyard and That SMELLS WONDERFUL!

Some People Criticize my ODD CAPITALIZATION Technique... Well, I just treat typing AS IF It was an Electric Guitar Solo AND THE CAPS LOCK WAS A WAH-WAH PEDAL... But, on the other hand... I want the MEANING of My Words to Sink in... and If the CAPS LOCK Interferes With the Education of the Unwashed Masses... I Do NOT Want to FREAK THEM OUT! so much that they FAIL to Grasp the Concepts!

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