Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Hakeem Jeffries 4 POTUS - He'd Make a Great President! JFK + OBAMA Yes, We Can Build Camelot!

Button for sale: Hakeem Jeffries POTUS - He'd Make a Great President in 2024... JFK + OBAMA Yes, We Can Build Camelot!

bumpersticker 4 sale  Hakeem Jeffries Zazzle Gregvan


It is Unlikely that Joe Biden will Run in 2024. The GOP House is Planning to Impeach Biden at Least Three Times... Since Impeachment is Only a Vote by the US House and NO REAL CRIME is Needed, The QAnon Controlled House Will Make Up Excuses BUT They Will FAIL to Convict in the US Senate... 

and they will also Impeach Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland, Supreme Court Justice Jackson and The Head of the FBI... 

Due to Biden's Fatigue of Being Endlessly Attacked by The QAnon GOP... He Will Voluntarily NOT RUN... Witness the Attacks Already about Top Secret Documents "found" at an Old Biden Office... 

He has ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED What he Set Out to Do. BEAT TRUMP! and as a Bonus, He had a Bunch of Bills Passed by Congress and Signed into Law... Excellent Job Joe... Now Retire and Go Sailing or Whatever it is That You Do... 

and Gavin Newsom has Repeatedly Said HE Will Not Run... SO... Hakeem Jeffries 4 POTUS

Here's a Press Conference by Hakeem Jeffries:
On Youtube:

On FaceBorg:

Your Name Here Button - Zazzle Gregvan

CLEVER SLOGAN BUMPER STICKER You MAY Change the Words if you want to... or Buy the Bumper Sticker AS IS... an Ironic Kafkaesque Mind Freak!


Free Skull #ArrestTrump Word Art by gvan42

tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Embroidered Hat for sale on Zazzle Gregvan

A Worthy Quote by Representative
 Hakeem Jeffries... 

"I want to make clear, we will never compromise our principles. House Democrats will always put American Values over Autocracy, Benevolence over Bigotry, the Constitution over the Cult, Democracy over Demagogues, Economic Opportunity over Extremism, Freedom over Fascism, Governing over Gas Lighting, Hopefulness over Hatred, Inclusion over Isolation, Justice over Judicial Overreach, Knowledge over Kangaroo Courts, Liberty over Limitation, Maturity over Mar-A-Lago, Normalcy over Negativity, Opportunity over Obstruction, People over Politics, Quality of Life Issues over QAnon, Reason over Racism, Substance over Slander, Triumph over Tyranny, Understanding over Ugliness, Voting Rights over Voter Suppression, Working Families over the Well Connected, Xenial over Xenophobic, Yes We Can over You Can't Do It and Zealous Representation over Zero Sum Confrontation. We Will Always Do The Right Thing by The American People." - Representative Hakeem Jefferies

and Now you Know Your ABCs

I just wrote to my Representative in the US House: I said: "George Santos should be forced to Resign. The Voters Elected a Fictitious Character... NOT the Actual Man... The GOP on Long Island want him to resign... He Makes the Entire Republican Party Look Like Crooks... Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

So Far you have passed a Bill to MAKE INCOME TAX EVASION EASIER... and a Bill to DeFund the Ethics Department... so CORRUPT PEOPLE can serve without being Caught...

Why Not Do Something to Help the American People? What about High Prices at the Grocery Store? What about Insane People with GUNS committing Murder? What About the Vast amount of Money Given to the Military Industrial Complex? We Don't Need another Jet Airplane... We Don't Need a "Space Farce" Aliens flying in UFOs Are NOT ATTACKING EARTH... There is No Need to Defend Planet earth from Extra Terrestrials!

We Need More money Spent on the FBI, DOJ and IRS... LOCK UP THE CRIMINALS - Treason is an Important Crime... Insurrection? Failure to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Trump King? #ArrestTrumpNow... "

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