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Thanks, Governor Gavin Newsom... You Have Done a Great Job in California. A Budget Surplus! and Lowest Coronavirus Deaths Per Thousand of Any State in the USA... Vote Against the GOP Pathetic Joke Recall Election.

Q&A: Who wants to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom in the recall election? Here They Are! A Retired Porn Star, a Woman that Used to Be a Man, a Greedy Landlord that Runs for Election and loses again and again and again... Remember #JohnCoxSuxx

GOP Is a Pathetic Joke Party in California

JohnCoxSuxx - He is an Obvious Fraud - meme - Gavin Newsom is a Proven Success

Governor Newsom Announces New Resource to Make COVID-19 Vaccinations More Convenient for Working Californians.

Newsom releases tax return, but will recall candidates? What are they Hiding?  Corruption in the GOP? SHOCKING! Who Would EVER Suspect that Candidates of the LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE PARTY are Hiding their Tax Returns!

Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel for president 2024

Newsom can raise unlimited cash to fight recall, and the Netflix CEO just gave $3 million. Are other tech titans next? In March, 75 Silicon Valley leaders — including Laurene Powell Jobs and venture capitalist Reid Hoffman — signed onto a letter opposing the recall effort and praised Newsom for guiding the state through the coronavirus pandemic. The wealthy cohort could contribute massive amounts to help Newsom defend his seat. 

Governor Newsom signs affordable housing legislation... He was joined by other state leaders in San Jose on Thursday, to sign a bill that paves the way for more affordable housing, jobs and boosting the economy.

The signing event took place at the site of Google's planned Downtown West Development near Diridon Station in San Jose where Newsom appeared with Senate President Toni G. Atkins and introduced by San Jose Mayor, Sam Liccardo.

The bill changes zoning to allow more dense housing and expedites the state's environmental review process. The project includes more than 4,000 homes, about a quarter of which will be rent restricted or affordable units.

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