This Blog Post was Written Long ago... and Bratt Kava Kava Noogie Became Part of the Supreme Court... The Only Solution NOW is to #ImpeachBrett and #ImpeachAmy Too. Both of them Will be Doing Evil for Decades to Come... I Wonder IF Bratt is DRINKING ON THE JOB? A Politico/Morning Consult poll reported on Wednesday that 37 percent of voters oppose the Kavanaugh nomination, with 34 percent supporting it and 29 percent having no opinion.
The activism against Kavanaugh made clear the deep emotional animosity that some voters feel.
The activism against Kavanaugh made clear the deep emotional animosity that some voters feel.
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Animal House - a Great Movie Not A Great Supreme Court Judge |
Evil Lawmakers (Donald L. Grunsky and Edmund G. "Pat" Brown) Made Psychedelic Drugs Illegal.
Bribed Politicians. Puppets of Big Pharma. However, There is an Unstoppable Movement of Citizen Patriots In Favor of Magic Mushroom Legalization.
As a Part of the Violet Overgrow...
We Will throw all the Corrupt Weasels OUT of Office...
Be Sure to Contact Your Elected Representatives and Tell them to LEGALIZE MEDICINAL PSYCHEDELICS... Let Doctors and Patients Decide for themselves What the Best Treatment is... Get The "Nanny State" OUT of Medicine...
Brown Signs LSD Bill To Head Off Threat' - 30 May 1966
Brown Signs LSD Bill To Head Off Threat' - 30 May 1966
SACRAMENTO (UPI)- Gov. Edmund G. Brown today signed Into law a bill making it a crime to manufacture, sell, possess or use the dream drug LSD. Brown said the new law would head off "a growing threat to society, particularly to young thrill-seekers unaware of the damage it (LSD) can do.” The bill, by Sen, Donald L. Grunsky, R-Watsonville, outlaws the promiscuous use of the drug which backers of the legislation say is reaching epidemic proportions on college campuses. But it permits LSD to be used in research projects conducted by recognized hospitals and clinics.
The Man Who Made LSD Illegal... Thankfully He is Dead... and CANNOT DO any more Evil. Donald L. Grunsky; Longtime State Legislator...
The Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 is a United Nations treaty designed to control psychoactive drugs such as amphetamine-type stimulants, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and psychedelics signed in Vienna, Austria on 21 February 1971. The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 did not ban the many newly discovered psychotropics,[1] since its scope was limited to drugs with cannabis, coca, and opium-like effects.
During the 1960s such drugs became widely available, and government authorities opposed this for numerous reasons, arguing that along with negative health effects, drug use led to lowered moral standards.
In 1961, a conference of plenipotentiaries (Definition: a person, especially a diplomat, invested with the full power of independent action on behalf of their government, typically in a foreign country.) in New York adopted the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which consolidated the existing drug control treaties into one document and added Cannabis to the list of prohibited plants. In order to appease the pharmaceutical interests, the Single Convention's scope was sharply limited to the list of drugs enumerated in the Schedules annexed to the treaty and to those drugs determined to have similar effects.
Psilocybin prohibition, however, wasn’t seriously enforced until the passage of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) in 1971, which marked the beginning of America’s disastrous War on Drugs. Under the CSA, psilocybin and psilocin are listed alongside heroin as Schedule I drugs, meaning that they have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use—at least, according to the federal government.
Psilocybin prohibition, however, wasn’t seriously enforced until the passage of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) in 1971, which marked the beginning of America’s disastrous War on Drugs. Under the CSA, psilocybin and psilocin are listed alongside heroin as Schedule I drugs, meaning that they have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use—at least, according to the federal government.
Plato's Story "The Cave" is so very Meaningful to me... When I Heard it on the FM Radio in the Late sixties I Said: Hey, That's What Happened to ME!
Why Is There A Group Called QueerAnon?
Sometimes Called QAnon...
Are They Some Kind Of Gay Rights Thing?
#QAnon, #WWG1WGA, #TheGreatAwakening, #Pizzagate, #saveourchildren, #QueerAnon, #WYSIWYG, #TrumpFailed, #ArrestTrump, #DitchMitch, #DumpTrump, #HashishTags, #IvankaGate, #QuestionAuthority, #GOPisEVIL, #LockHimUp, #DeepStateDoesNotExist, #BiteMyShinyMetalAss
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
This is a Drawing of the Forbes Mill Slide Projectors Setup with a Rotating Strobe Wheel - part of a Rock Concert Light Show... It Caused Images to Briefly Flash on the Wall behind the Band. The Motor was Variable Speed. Forbes Mill was a Teen Club I Worked at In High School.
Vision Quest Art Show - "Think for Yourself and Question Authority" - Quote from Dr Timothy Leary
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Link to All my Coffee Cups for sale:
Sometimes Called QAnon...
Are They Some Kind Of Gay Rights Thing?
#QAnon, #WWG1WGA, #TheGreatAwakening, #Pizzagate, #saveourchildren, #QueerAnon, #WYSIWYG, #TrumpFailed, #ArrestTrump, #DitchMitch, #DumpTrump, #HashishTags, #IvankaGate, #QuestionAuthority, #GOPisEVIL, #LockHimUp, #DeepStateDoesNotExist, #BiteMyShinyMetalAss
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