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1984 is Now Here in the USA. The NDAA is Clearly Unconstitutional... Infinite Detention Without Trial by Jury is in the 6th Amendment BUT... The SCOTUS Ruling was That The Government HAS THE RIGHT to Incarcerate American Citizens Indefinitely for Vague Charges... or NO CHARGES AT ALL...

NDAA is No Longer the subject of a Lawsuit. 

Trial by Jury is part of the 6th Amendment to the Constitution. 
Obama clearly signed a law that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
The most controversial provisions to receive wide attention were contained in subsections 1021–1022 of Title X, Subtitle D, entitled "Counter-Terrorism", authorizing the indefinite military detention of persons the government suspects of involvement in terrorism, including U.S. citizens arrested on American soil. 

The legislation permitted the U.S. government to indefinitely detain people "who are part of or substantially support Al Qaeda, the Taliban or associated forces engaged in hostilities against the United States".[7] The plaintiffs contended that Section 1021(b)(2) of the law allows for detention of citizens and permanent residents taken into custody in the U.S. on "suspicion of providing substantial support" to groups engaged in hostilities against the U.S. such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban[6] respectively that the NDAA arms the U.S. military with the ability to imprison indefinitely journalists, activists and human-rights workers based on vague allegations.[8]

A federal court in New York issued a permanent injunction blocking the indefinite detention powers of the NDAA but the injunction was stayed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals pending appeal by the Obama Administration. On July 17, 2013, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the district court's permanent injunction blocking the indefinite detention powers of the NDAA because the plaintiffs lacked legal standing to challenge the indefinite detention powers of the NDAA. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on April 28, 2014, leaving the Second Circuit decision intact.[9] 

and NOW for something completely different..
and more FUN.

League for Spiritual Discovery:

What IS the League for Spiritual Discovery ?
The League was a BRAND NEW RELIGION that had as a HOLY SACRAMENT the chemical LSD. Founded by Dr. Timothy Leary to challenge the laws making LSD illegal. The plan was that there was pre-existing cases legalizing Peyote by the Native American Church, so why not LSD? Sadly, this plan didn't work... However it did inspire Leary to recommend that other individuals start their OWN religion...

Why SHOULD you found your own religion? Write your OWN Bible? Well, WHY NOT? It would be more LIKELY to work for you than a religion written by someone else thousands of years ago...

One of the first things you have to decide is: should you have followers? Is your place in the cosmos to BE Jesus, Buddha or KRSNA? Or... do you want your own religion to be a private affair? "Think for Yourself and Question Authority" - Timothy Leary Visit the "Official" website:

Link to the Brotherhood of Eternal Love
The Brotherhood was a Laguna Beach criminal organization
founded by surfers that smuggled Hashish into the USA from Mexico inside of hollowed out surfboards. A person that was talented enough to build their own surfboard would have an easy time creating one that had a space for contraband. Once the resin coating of the board has dried it is impossible to tell what is inside... Then they just put the boards on to the roof rack and drove across the border at Tijuana... A clever technique!
They also distributed a brand of LSD-25 called Orange Sunshine. One of the most popular brands created in the USA...
Famous for High Quality and LARGE Dose... The Brotherhood was hired by the Weather Underground to orchestrate Timothy Leary's Jailbreak... He was successful and moved to a foreign country called Algeria to live briefly with Eldridge Cleaver. What ever happened to The Documentary Movie called ORANGE SUNSHINE?

Aldous Huxley wrote a book called ISLAND where he describes a psychedelic utopia... The Leary Group IFIF attempted to create this paradise in Mexico off the coast of Baja California... of course, it didn't work due to many different factors... but a second attempt was wildly successful... It's called Humboldt Nation and is situated on the North Coast of California.
You might be motivated to shout: EUREKA! I HAVE FOUND IT! If you look at the Official Seal of the great state of California, you will see a seated lady overlooking a bay with boats and the word Eureka... NOT KIDDING...
It refers to the Gold Rush of 1849 when miners were supposedly quoting ancient Greek Mathemticians... A more likely phrase would have been YAHOO! But that would lead to copyright infringement... Yippie! was already taken by Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin's group Youth International Party.  

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics: Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves... Get Corrupt Politicians OUT of the Doctors Office... 

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